miruka 3314489a26 Make room settings pane scrollable
The new Base/ButtonLayout components will be used in the near future to
refactor other HBox-based components
2020-06-05 05:42:12 -04:00

110 lines
2.7 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import "../.."
import "../../Base"
import "RoomPane"
Item {
id: chat
onFocusChanged: if (focus && loader.item) loader.item.composer.takeFocus()
onReadyChanged: longLoading = false
property string userId
property string roomId
property QtObject userInfo: null
property QtObject roomInfo: null
property bool ready: Boolean(userInfo && roomInfo)
property bool longLoading: false
property string replyToEventId: ""
property string replyToUserId: ""
property string replyToDisplayName: ""
readonly property alias loader: loader
readonly property alias roomPane: roomPaneLoader.item
readonly property bool composerHasFocus:
Boolean(loader.item && loader.item.composer.hasFocus)
HShortcut {
sequences: window.settings.keys.leaveRoom
onActivated: utils.makePopup(
{userId, roomId, roomName: roomInfo.display_name},
HShortcut {
sequences: window.settings.keys.forgetRoom
onActivated: utils.makePopup(
{userId, roomId, roomName: roomInfo.display_name},
Timer {
interval: 100
running: ! userInfo
repeat: true
triggeredOnStart: true
onTriggered: userInfo = ModelStore.get("accounts").find(userId)
Timer {
interval: 100
running: ! roomInfo
repeat: true
triggeredOnStart: true
onTriggered: roomInfo = ModelStore.get(userId, "rooms").find(roomId)
Timer {
interval: 300
running: ! ready
onTriggered: longLoading = true
HLoader {
id: loader
anchors.rightMargin: ready ? roomPane.visibleSize : 0
anchors.fill: parent
ready ? ! roomPane.hidden || anchors.rightMargin < width : true
onLoaded: if (chat.focus) item.composer.takeFocus()
source: ready ? "ChatPage.qml" : ""
HLoader {
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: 96 * theme.uiScale
height: width
source: "../../Base/HBusyIndicator.qml"
active: ready ? 0 : longLoading ? 1 : 0
opacity: active ? 1 : 0
Behavior on opacity { HNumberAnimation { factor: 2 } }
HLoader {
id: roomPaneLoader
active: ready
sourceComponent: RoomPane {
id: roomPane
referenceSizeParent: chat
maximumSize: chat.width - theme.minimumSupportedWidth * 1.5