miruka 2f19ff493b Rewrite media caching (old image provider)
- Doesn't use pyotherside's image provider feature, for more flexibility
  and simplicity
- Suitable for supporting matrix media events and more later
- Avoid a lot of duplicate files that the old cache created due to
  server not returning what we expect, mistakes in Python/QML code, etc
- Changed file structure
  (e.g. thumbnails/32x32/<mxc id> instead of
   thumbnails/<mxc id>.32.32.crop)

- Backend.wait_until_account_exist: start issuing warnings if the
  function runs for more than 10s, which means in most case a bad user
  ID was passed

- New HMxcImage QML component, used in H(User/Room)Avatar
2019-11-03 13:48:12 -04:00

96 lines
2.6 KiB

import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import "../../Base"
Rectangle {
id: banner
implicitHeight: childrenRect.height
property alias avatar: bannerAvatar
property alias icon: bannerIcon
property alias labelText: bannerLabel.text
property alias buttonModel: bannerRepeater.model
property var buttonCallbacks: []
HGridLayout {
id: bannerGrid
width: parent.width
flow: bannerAvatarWrapper.width +
bannerIcon.width +
bannerLabel.implicitWidth +
bannerButtons.width >
parent.width ?
GridLayout.TopToBottom : GridLayout.LeftToRight
HRowLayout {
id: bannerRow
Rectangle {
id: bannerAvatarWrapper
color: "black"
Layout.preferredWidth: bannerAvatar.width
Layout.minimumHeight: bannerAvatar.height
Layout.preferredHeight: bannerLabel.height
HUserAvatar {
id: bannerAvatar
clientUserId: chatPage.userId
anchors.centerIn: parent
HIcon {
id: bannerIcon
dimension: bannerLabel.implicitHeight
visible: Boolean(svgName)
Layout.leftMargin: theme.spacing / 2
HLabel {
id: bannerLabel
textFormat: Text.StyledText
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.leftMargin: bannerIcon.Layout.leftMargin
Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
HSpacer {}
HRowLayout {
HRowLayout {
id: bannerButtons
Repeater {
id: bannerRepeater
model: []
HButton {
id: button
text: modelData.text modelData.iconName
icon.color: modelData.iconColor || theme.icons.colorize
onClicked: buttonCallbacks[](button)
Layout.preferredHeight: theme.baseElementsHeight
Rectangle {
id: buttonsRightPadding
color: theme.controls.button.background
visible: bannerGrid.flow == GridLayout.TopToBottom
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true