miruka 8f35e60801 Capitalization, list model and room header work
- Standardized capitalization for variables and file names everywhere in
  QML and JS, get rid of mixed camelCase/snakeCase,
  use camelCase like everywhere in Qt

- ListModel items are now stored and returned as real QObjects with
  PyQt properties and signals.
  This makes dynamic property binding a lot easier and eliminates the need
  for many hacks.

- New update(), updateOrAppendWhere() methods and roles property
  for ListModel

- RoomHeader now properly updates when the room title or topic changes

- Add Backend.pdb(), to make it easier to start the debugger from QML
2019-04-20 17:43:57 -04:00

59 lines
1.9 KiB

import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.4
import "../base" as Base
Row {
id: row
spacing: standardSpacing
layoutDirection: isOwn ? Qt.RightToLeft : Qt.LeftToRight
anchors.right: isOwn ? parent.right : undefined
Base.Avatar { id: avatar; invisible: combine; name: displayName }
ColumnLayout {
spacing: 0
Base.HLabel {
visible: ! combine
id: nameLabel
text: displayName.value || dict.sender
background: Rectangle {color: "#DDD"}
color: isOwn ? "teal" : "purple"
elide: Text.ElideRight
maximumLineCount: 1
Layout.preferredWidth: contentLabel.width
horizontalAlignment: isOwn ? Text.AlignRight : Text.AlignLeft
leftPadding: horizontalPadding
rightPadding: horizontalPadding
topPadding: verticalPadding
Base.RichLabel {
id: contentLabel
text: (dict.formatted_body ?
Backend.htmlFilter.filter(dict.formatted_body) :
dict.body) +
"&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size=" + smallSize + "px color=gray>" +
Qt.formatDateTime(dateTime, "hh:mm:ss") +
"</font>" +
(isLocalEcho ?
"&nbsp;<font size=" + smallSize + "px>⏳</font>" : "")
textFormat: Text.RichText
background: Rectangle {color: "#DDD"}
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
leftPadding: horizontalPadding
rightPadding: horizontalPadding
topPadding: nameLabel.visible ? 0 : verticalPadding
bottomPadding: verticalPadding
Layout.minimumWidth: nameLabel.implicitWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: Math.min(
600, messageListView.width - avatar.width - row.spacing