The SVG colors are now an enum of Color objects, instead of hex strings. The "transparent" color was also added, which isn't in the standards but works in QML.
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463 lines
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# Copyright Mirage authors & contributors <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Provide the `Color` class and functions to easily construct a `Color`."""
import builtins
import colorsys
from copy import copy
from dataclasses import InitVar, dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union
from hsluv import hex_to_hsluv, hsluv_to_hex, hsluv_to_rgb, rgb_to_hsluv
ColorTuple = Tuple[float, float, float, float]
class Color:
"""A color manipulable in HSLuv, HSL, RGB, hexadecimal and by SVG name.
The `Color` object constructor accepts hexadecimal string
("#RGB", "#RRGGBB" or "#RRGGBBAA") or another `Color` to copy.
Attributes representing the color in HSLuv, HSL, RGB, hexadecimal and
SVG name formats can be accessed and modified on these `Color` objects.
The `hsluv()`/`hsluva()`, `hsl()`/`hsla()` and `rgb()`/`rgba()`
functions in this module are provided to create an object by specifying
a color in other formats.
Copies of objects with modified attributes can be created with the
with the `Color.but()`, `` and `Copy.times()` methods.
If the `hue` is outside of the normal 0-359 range, the number is
interpreted as `hue % 360`, e.g. `360` is `0`, `460` is `100`,
or `-20` is `340`.
# The saturation and luv are properties due to the need for a setter
# capping the value between 0-100, as hsluv handles numbers outside
# this range incorrectly.
color_or_hex: InitVar[str] = "#00000000"
hue: float = field(init=False, default=0)
_saturation: float = field(init=False, default=0)
_luv: float = field(init=False, default=0)
alpha: float = field(init=False, default=1)
def __post_init__(self, color_or_hex: Union["Color", str]) -> None:
if isinstance(color_or_hex, Color):
hsluva = color_or_hex.hsluva
self.hue, self.saturation, self.luv, self.alpha = hsluva
self.hex = color_or_hex
# HSLuv
def hsluva(self) -> ColorTuple:
return (self.hue, self.saturation, self.luv, self.alpha)
def hsluva(self, value: ColorTuple) -> None:
self.hue, self.saturation, self.luv, self.alpha = value
def saturation(self) -> float:
return self._saturation
def saturation(self, value: float) -> None:
self._saturation = max(0, min(100, value))
def luv(self) -> float:
return self._luv
def luv(self, value: float) -> None:
self._luv = max(0, min(100, value))
def hsla(self) -> ColorTuple:
r, g, b = ( / 255, / 255, / 255)
h, l, s = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(r, g, b)
return (h * 360, s * 100, l * 100, self.alpha)
def hsla(self, value: ColorTuple) -> None:
h, s, l = (value[0] / 360, value[1] / 100, value[2] / 100) # noqa
r, g, b = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
self.rgba = (r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, value[3])
def light(self) -> float:
return self.hsla[2]
def light(self, value: float) -> None:
self.hsla = (self.hue, self.saturation, value, self.alpha)
def rgba(self) -> ColorTuple:
r, g, b = hsluv_to_rgb(self.hsluva)
return r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, self.alpha
def rgba(self, value: ColorTuple) -> None:
r, g, b = (value[0] / 255, value[1] / 255, value[2] / 255)
self.hsluva = rgb_to_hsluv((r, g, b)) + (self.alpha,)
def red(self) -> float:
return self.rgba[0]
def red(self, value: float) -> None:
self.rgba = (value,,, self.alpha)
def green(self) -> float:
return self.rgba[1]
def green(self, value: float) -> None:
self.rgba = (, value,, self.alpha)
def blue(self) -> float:
return self.rgba[2]
def blue(self, value: float) -> None:
self.rgba = (,, value, self.alpha)
# Hexadecimal
def hex(self) -> str:
rgb = hsluv_to_hex(self.hsluva)
alpha = builtins.hex(int(self.alpha * 255))[2:]
alpha = f"0{alpha}" if len(alpha) == 1 else alpha
return f"{alpha if self.alpha < 1 else ''}{rgb}".lower()
def hex(self, value: str) -> None:
if len(value) == 4:
template = "#{r}{r}{g}{g}{b}{b}"
value = template.format(r=value[1], g=value[2], b=value[3])
alpha = int(value[-2:] if len(value) == 9 else "ff", 16) / 255
self.hsluva = hex_to_hsluv(value) + (alpha,)
# name color
def name(self) -> Optional[str]:
return SVGColor(self.hex).name
except ValueError:
return None
def name(self, value: str) -> None:
self.hex = SVGColor[value.lower()].value.hex
# Other methods
def __repr__(self) -> str:
r, g, b = int(, int(, int(
h, s, luv = int(self.hue), int(self.saturation), int(self.luv)
l = int(self.light) # noqa
a = self.alpha
block = f"\x1b[38;2;{r};{g};{b}m█████\x1b[0m"
sep = "\x1b[1;33m/\x1b[0m"
end = f" {sep} {}" if else ""
# Need a terminal with true color support to render the block!
return (
f"{block} hsluva({h}, {s}, {luv}, {a}) {sep} "
f"hsla({h}, {s}, {l}, {a}) {sep} rgba({r}, {g}, {b}, {a}) {sep} "
def but(
hue: Optional[float] = None,
saturation: Optional[float] = None,
luv: Optional[float] = None,
alpha: Optional[float] = None,
hsluva: Optional[ColorTuple] = None,
hsla: Optional[ColorTuple] = None,
rgba: Optional[ColorTuple] = None,
hex: Optional[str] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
light: Optional[float] = None,
red: Optional[float] = None,
green: Optional[float] = None,
blue: Optional[float] = None,
) -> "Color":
"""Return a copy of this `Color` with overriden attributes.
>>> first = Color(100, 50, 50)
>>> second = c.but(hue=20, saturation=100)
>>> second.hsluva
(20, 50, 100, 1)
new = copy(self)
for arg, value in locals().items():
if arg not in ("new", "self") and value is not None:
setattr(new, arg, value)
return new
def plus(
hue: Optional[float] = None,
saturation: Optional[float] = None,
luv: Optional[float] = None,
alpha: Optional[float] = None,
light: Optional[float] = None,
red: Optional[float] = None,
green: Optional[float] = None,
blue: Optional[float] = None,
) -> "Color":
"""Return a copy of this `Color` with values added to attributes.
>>> first = Color(100, 50, 50)
>>> second =, saturation=-20)
>>> second.hsluva
(110, 30, 50, 1)
new = copy(self)
for arg, value in locals().items():
if arg not in ("new", "self") and value is not None:
setattr(new, arg, getattr(self, arg) + value)
return new
def times(
hue: Optional[float] = None,
saturation: Optional[float] = None,
luv: Optional[float] = None,
alpha: Optional[float] = None,
light: Optional[float] = None,
red: Optional[float] = None,
green: Optional[float] = None,
blue: Optional[float] = None,
) -> "Color":
"""Return a copy of this `Color` with multiplied attributes.
>>> first = Color(100, 50, 50, 0.8)
>>> second = c.times(luv=2, alpha=0.5)
>>> second.hsluva
(100, 50, 100, 0.4)
new = copy(self)
for arg, value in locals().items():
if arg not in ("new", "self") and value is not None:
setattr(new, arg, getattr(self, arg) * value)
return new
class SVGColor(Enum):
"""Standard SVG/HTML/CSS colors, with the addition of `transparent`."""
aliceblue = Color("#f0f8ff")
antiquewhite = Color("#faebd7")
aqua = Color("#00ffff")
aquamarine = Color("#7fffd4")
azure = Color("#f0ffff")
beige = Color("#f5f5dc")
bisque = Color("#ffe4c4")
black = Color("#000000")
blanchedalmond = Color("#ffebcd")
blue = Color("#0000ff")
blueviolet = Color("#8a2be2")
brown = Color("#a52a2a")
burlywood = Color("#deb887")
cadetblue = Color("#5f9ea0")
chartreuse = Color("#7fff00")
chocolate = Color("#d2691e")
coral = Color("#ff7f50")
cornflowerblue = Color("#6495ed")
cornsilk = Color("#fff8dc")
crimson = Color("#dc143c")
cyan = Color("#00ffff")
darkblue = Color("#00008b")
darkcyan = Color("#008b8b")
darkgoldenrod = Color("#b8860b")
darkgray = Color("#a9a9a9")
darkgreen = Color("#006400")
darkgrey = Color("#a9a9a9")
darkkhaki = Color("#bdb76b")
darkmagenta = Color("#8b008b")
darkolivegreen = Color("#556b2f")
darkorange = Color("#ff8c00")
darkorchid = Color("#9932cc")
darkred = Color("#8b0000")
darksalmon = Color("#e9967a")
darkseagreen = Color("#8fbc8f")
darkslateblue = Color("#483d8b")
darkslategray = Color("#2f4f4f")
darkslategrey = Color("#2f4f4f")
darkturquoise = Color("#00ced1")
darkviolet = Color("#9400d3")
deeppink = Color("#ff1493")
deepskyblue = Color("#00bfff")
dimgray = Color("#696969")
dimgrey = Color("#696969")
dodgerblue = Color("#1e90ff")
firebrick = Color("#b22222")
floralwhite = Color("#fffaf0")
forestgreen = Color("#228b22")
fuchsia = Color("#ff00ff")
gainsboro = Color("#dcdcdc")
ghostwhite = Color("#f8f8ff")
gold = Color("#ffd700")
goldenrod = Color("#daa520")
gray = Color("#808080")
green = Color("#008000")
greenyellow = Color("#adff2f")
grey = Color("#808080")
honeydew = Color("#f0fff0")
hotpink = Color("#ff69b4")
indianred = Color("#cd5c5c")
indigo = Color("#4b0082")
ivory = Color("#fffff0")
khaki = Color("#f0e68c")
lavender = Color("#e6e6fa")
lavenderblush = Color("#fff0f5")
lawngreen = Color("#7cfc00")
lemonchiffon = Color("#fffacd")
lightblue = Color("#add8e6")
lightcoral = Color("#f08080")
lightcyan = Color("#e0ffff")
lightgoldenrodyellow = Color("#fafad2")
lightgray = Color("#d3d3d3")
lightgreen = Color("#90ee90")
lightgrey = Color("#d3d3d3")
lightpink = Color("#ffb6c1")
lightsalmon = Color("#ffa07a")
lightseagreen = Color("#20b2aa")
lightskyblue = Color("#87cefa")
lightslategray = Color("#778899")
lightslategrey = Color("#778899")
lightsteelblue = Color("#b0c4de")
lightyellow = Color("#ffffe0")
lime = Color("#00ff00")
limegreen = Color("#32cd32")
linen = Color("#faf0e6")
magenta = Color("#ff00ff")
maroon = Color("#800000")
mediumaquamarine = Color("#66cdaa")
mediumblue = Color("#0000cd")
mediumorchid = Color("#ba55d3")
mediumpurple = Color("#9370db")
mediumseagreen = Color("#3cb371")
mediumslateblue = Color("#7b68ee")
mediumspringgreen = Color("#00fa9a")
mediumturquoise = Color("#48d1cc")
mediumvioletred = Color("#c71585")
midnightblue = Color("#191970")
mintcream = Color("#f5fffa")
mistyrose = Color("#ffe4e1")
moccasin = Color("#ffe4b5")
navajowhite = Color("#ffdead")
navy = Color("#000080")
oldlace = Color("#fdf5e6")
olive = Color("#808000")
olivedrab = Color("#6b8e23")
orange = Color("#ffa500")
orangered = Color("#ff4500")
orchid = Color("#da70d6")
palegoldenrod = Color("#eee8aa")
palegreen = Color("#98fb98")
paleturquoise = Color("#afeeee")
palevioletred = Color("#db7093")
papayawhip = Color("#ffefd5")
peachpuff = Color("#ffdab9")
peru = Color("#cd853f")
pink = Color("#ffc0cb")
plum = Color("#dda0dd")
powderblue = Color("#b0e0e6")
purple = Color("#800080")
rebeccapurple = Color("#663399")
red = Color("#ff0000")
rosybrown = Color("#bc8f8f")
royalblue = Color("#4169e1")
saddlebrown = Color("#8b4513")
salmon = Color("#fa8072")
sandybrown = Color("#f4a460")
seagreen = Color("#2e8b57")
seashell = Color("#fff5ee")
sienna = Color("#a0522d")
silver = Color("#c0c0c0")
skyblue = Color("#87ceeb")
slateblue = Color("#6a5acd")
slategray = Color("#708090")
slategrey = Color("#708090")
snow = Color("#fffafa")
springgreen = Color("#00ff7f")
steelblue = Color("#4682b4")
tan = Color("#d2b48c")
teal = Color("#008080")
thistle = Color("#d8bfd8")
tomato = Color("#ff6347")
transparent = Color("#00000000") # not standard but exists in QML
turquoise = Color("#40e0d0")
violet = Color("#ee82ee")
wheat = Color("#f5deb3")
white = Color("#ffffff")
whitesmoke = Color("#f5f5f5")
yellow = Color("#ffff00")
yellowgreen = Color("#9acd32")
def hsluva(
hue: float = 0, saturation: float = 0, luv: float = 0, alpha: float = 1,
) -> Color:
"""Return a `Color` from `(0-359, 0-100, 0-100, 0-1)` HSLuv arguments."""
return Color().but(hue, saturation, luv, alpha)
def hsla(
hue: float = 0, saturation: float = 0, light: float = 0, alpha: float = 1,
) -> Color:
"""Return a `Color` from `(0-359, 0-100, 0-100, 0-1)` HSL arguments."""
return Color().but(hue, saturation, light=light, alpha=alpha)
def rgba(
red: float = 0, green: float = 0, blue: float = 0, alpha: float = 1,
) -> Color:
"""Return a `Color` from `(0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0-1)` RGB arguments."""
return Color().but(red=red, green=green, blue=blue, alpha=alpha)
# Aliases
color = Color
hsluv = hsluva
hsl = hsla
rgb = rgba