// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12 import "../Base" import "../Base/Buttons" HColumnPopup { id: popup property string userId property string roomId property string roomName property bool invitingAllowed: true property var inviteFuture: null property var successfulInvites: [] property var failedInvites: [] function invite() { inviteButton.loading = true const inviteesLeft = inviteArea.text.trim().split(/\s+/).filter( user => ! successfulInvites.includes(user) ) inviteFuture = py.callClientCoro( userId, "room_mass_invite", [roomId, ...inviteesLeft], ([successes, errors]) => { if (errors.length < 1) { popup.close() return } successfulInvites = successes failedInvites = errors inviteButton.loading = false } ) } page.footer: AutoDirectionLayout { ApplyButton { id: inviteButton text: qsTr("Invite") icon.name: "room-send-invite" enabled: invitingAllowed && Boolean(inviteArea.text.trim()) onClicked: invite() } CancelButton { id: cancelButton onClicked: popup.close() } } onOpened: inviteArea.forceActiveFocus() onClosed: if (inviteFuture) inviteFuture.cancel() onInvitingAllowedChanged: if (! invitingAllowed && inviteFuture) inviteFuture.cancel() SummaryLabel { text: qsTr("Invite members to %1").arg(roomName) textFormat: Text.StyledText } HScrollView { clip: true Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true HTextArea { id: inviteArea focusItemOnTab: inviteButton.enabled ? inviteButton : cancelButton placeholderText: qsTr("User IDs (e.g. @bob:matrix.org @alice:localhost)") } } HLabel { id: errorMessage visible: Layout.maximumHeight > 0 wrapMode: Text.Wrap color: theme.colors.errorText text: invitingAllowed ? allErrors : qsTr("You do not have permission to invite members to this room") Layout.maximumHeight: text ? implicitHeight : 0 Layout.fillWidth: true readonly property string allErrors: { // TODO: handle these: real user not found const lines = [] for (const [user, error] of failedInvites) { const type = py.getattr( py.getattr(error, "__class__"), "__name__", ) lines.push( type === "InvalidUserId" ? qsTr("%1 is not a valid user ID, expected format is " + "@username:homeserver").arg(user) : type === "UserFromOtherServerDisallowed" ? qsTr("This room rejects users from other matrix " + "servers, can't invite %1").arg(user) : type === "MatrixNotFound" ? qsTr("%1 not found, please verify the entered ID") .arg(user) : type === "MatrixBadGateway" ? qsTr("Could not contact %1's server, " + "please verify the entered ID").arg(user) : type === "MatrixUnsupportedRoomVersion" ? qsTr("%1's server does not support this room's version") .arg(user) : type === "MatrixForbidden" ? qsTr("%1 is banned from this room") .arg(user) : qsTr("Unknown error while inviting %1: %2 - %3") .arg(user).arg(type).arg(py.getattr(error, "args")) ) } return lines.join("\n\n") } Behavior on Layout.maximumHeight { HNumberAnimation {} } } }