import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12 import "../../Base" import "../../utils.js" as Utils HRowLayout { id: eventContent spacing: theme.spacing / 1.25 layoutDirection: onRight ? Qt.RightToLeft: Qt.LeftToRight readonly property string senderText: hideNameLine ? "" : ( "
" + Utils.coloredNameHtml(model.sender_name, model.sender_id) + "
" ) readonly property string contentText: Utils.processedEventText(model) readonly property string timeText: Utils.formatTime(, false) readonly property string localEchoText: model.is_local_echo ? ` ` : "" readonly property bool pureMedia: ! contentText && linksRepeater.count readonly property string hoveredLink: contentLabel.hoveredLink readonly property bool hoveredSelectable: contentHover.hovered readonly property int messageBodyWidth: width - (avatarWrapper.visible ? avatarWrapper.width : 0) - totalSpacing readonly property int xOffset: onRight ? contentLabel.width - contentLabel.paintedWidth - contentLabel.leftPadding - contentLabel.rightPadding : 0 TapHandler { enabled: debugMode onDoubleTapped: Utils.debug(eventContent, con => { con.runJS("json()") }) } Item { id: avatarWrapper opacity: collapseAvatar ? 0 : 1 visible: ! hideAvatar Layout.minimumWidth: 58 Layout.minimumHeight: collapseAvatar ? 1 : smallAvatar ? 28 : 58 Layout.maximumWidth: Layout.minimumWidth Layout.maximumHeight: Layout.minimumHeight Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop HUserAvatar { id: avatar userId: model.sender_id displayName: model.sender_name mxc: model.sender_avatar width: parent.width height: collapseAvatar ? 1 : 58 } } HColumnLayout { id: contentColumn Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter HSelectableLabel { id: contentLabel container: selectableLabelContainer index: model.index visible: ! pureMedia topPadding: theme.spacing / 1.75 bottomPadding: topPadding leftPadding: eventContent.spacing rightPadding: leftPadding color: model.event_type === "RoomMessageNotice" ? : wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap textFormat: Text.RichText text: // CSS + // Sender name eventContent.senderText + // Message body eventContent.contentText + // Time // For some reason, if there's only one space, // times will be on their own lines most of the time. " " + `` + timeText + "" + // Local echo icon (model.is_local_echo ? ` ` : "") transform: Translate { x: xOffset } Layout.maximumWidth: Math.min( // 600px with 16px font theme.fontSize.normal * 0.5 * 75, messageBodyWidth - leftPadding - rightPadding, ) function selectAllText() { // Select the message body without the date or name container.clearSelection() 0, contentLabel.length - timeText.length - 1 // - 1: separating space ) contentLabel.updateContainerSelectedTexts() } HoverHandler { id: contentHover } Rectangle { width: Math.max( parent.paintedWidth + parent.leftPadding + parent.rightPadding, linksRepeater.childrenWidth + (pureMedia ? 0 : parent.leftPadding + parent.rightPadding), ) height: contentColumn.height z: -1 color: isOwn? : Rectangle { visible: model.event_type === "RoomMessageNotice" width: height: parent.height color: Utils.nameColor( model.sender_name || model.sender_id.substring(1), ) } } } HRepeater { id: linksRepeater model: eventDelegate.currentItem.links EventMediaLoader { singleMediaInfo: eventDelegate.currentItem mediaUrl: modelData showSender: pureMedia ? senderText : "" showDate: pureMedia ? timeText : "" showLocalEcho: pureMedia ? localEchoText : "" transform: Translate { x: xOffset } Layout.bottomMargin: pureMedia ? 0 : contentLabel.bottomPadding Layout.leftMargin: pureMedia ? 0 : contentLabel.leftPadding Layout.rightMargin: pureMedia ? 0 : contentLabel.rightPadding Layout.preferredWidth: item ? item.width : -1 Layout.preferredHeight: item ? item.height : -1 } } } HSpacer {} }