- Refactoring - Migrate more JS functions to their own files / Implement in Python instead - Don't bake in size properties for components - Bug fixes - dataclass-like `default_factory` for ListItem - Prevent briefly seeing login screen if there are accounts to resumeSession for but they take time to appear - 100% CPU usage when hitting top edge to trigger messages loading - Sending `![A picture](https://picsum.photos/256/256)` → not clickable? - Icons, images and HStyle singleton aren't reloaded - `MessageDelegate.qml:63: TypeError: 'reloadPreviousItem' not a function` - RoomEventsList scrolling when resizing the window - UI - Invite to room - Accounts delegates background - SidePane delegates hover effect - Server selection - Register/Forgot? for SignIn dialog - Scaling - See [Text.fontSizeMode](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-text.html#fontSizeMode-prop) - Add room - Leave room - Forget room warning popup - Prevent using the SendBox if no permission (power levels) - Spinner when loading past room events, images or clicking buttons - Better theming/styling system - See about - Settings page - Multiaccount aliases - Message/text selection - Major features - E2E - Device verification - Edit/delete own devices - Request room keys from own other devices - Auto-trust accounts within the same client - Import/export keys - Uploads - QQuickImageProvider - Read receipts - Status message and presence - Links preview - Client improvements - Filtering rooms: search more than display names? - nio.MatrixRoom has `typing_users`, no need to handle it on our own - Don't send setTypingState False when focus lost if nothing in sendbox - Initial sync filter and lazy load, see weechat-matrix `_handle_login()` - See also `handle_response()`'s `keys_query` request - HTTP/2 - `retry_after_ms` when rate-limited - Direct chats category - On sync, check messages API, if a limited sync timeline was received - Markdown: don't turn #things into title (space), disable __ syntax - Push instead of replacing in stack view (remove getMemberFilter when done) - Make links in room subtitle clickable, formatting? - `
` scrollbar on overflow
  - Handle cases where an avatar char is # or @ (#alias room, @user\_id)
  - When inviting someone to direct chat, room is "Empty room" until accepted,
    it should be the peer's display name instead.
  - Keep an accounts order
  - See `Qt.callLater()` potential usages
  - Banner name color instead of bold

- Missing nio support
  - MatrixRoom invited members list
  - Invite events are missing their timestamps (needed for sorting)
  - Left room events after client reboot
  - `org.matrix.room.preview_urls` event
  - `m.room.aliases` event
  - Support "Empty room (was ...)" after peer left

- Waiting for approval/release
  - nio avatars
  - olm/olm-devel 0.3.1 in void repos

- Distribution
  - Review setup.py, add dependencies
  - README.md
  - Use PyInstaller or pyqtdeploy
    - Test command:
    pyinstaller --onefile --windowed --name harmonyqml \
                --add-data 'harmonyqml/components:harmonyqml/components' \
                --additional-hooks-dir . \
                --upx-dir ~/opt/upx-3.95-amd64_linux \