# Copyright Mirage authors & contributors # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later import asyncio import logging as log import os import re import sys import time import traceback from datetime import datetime, timedelta from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, DefaultDict, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from urllib.parse import urlparse import aiohttp import nio import plyer from appdirs import AppDirs from . import __app_name__ from .errors import MatrixError, MatrixInvalidAccessToken from .matrix_client import MatrixClient from .media_cache import MediaCache from .models import SyncId from .models.filters import FieldStringFilter from .models.items import Account, Event, Homeserver, PingStatus from .models.model import Model from .models.model_store import ModelStore from .presence import Presence from .sso_server import SSOServer from .user_files import ( Accounts, History, NewTheme, Pre070Settings, Settings, Theme, UIState, ) # Logging configuration log.getLogger().setLevel(log.INFO) nio.logger_group.level = nio.log.logbook.ERROR nio.log.logbook.StreamHandler(sys.stderr).push_application() class Backend: """Manage matrix clients and provide other useful general methods. Attributes: saved_accounts: User config file for saved matrix account. settings: User config file for general UI and backend settings. ui_state: User data file for saving/restoring QML UI state. history: User data file for saving/restoring text typed into QML components. models: A mapping containing our data models that are synchronized between the Python backend and the QML UI. The models should only ever be modified from the backend. If a non-existent key is accessed, it is created and an associated `Model` and returned. The mapping keys are the `Model`'s synchronization ID, which a strings or tuple of strings. Currently used sync ID throughout the code are: - `"accounts"`: logged-in accounts; - `("", "pushrules")`: push rules configured for our account `user_id`. - `("", "rooms")`: rooms our account `user_id` is part of; - `("", "transfers")`: ongoing or failed file uploads/downloads for our account `user_id`; - `("", "", "members")`: members in the room `room_id` that our account `user_id` is part of; - `("", "", "events")`: state events and messages in the room `room_id` that our account `user_id` is part of. Special models: - `"all_rooms"`: See `models.special_models.AllRooms` docstring - `"matching_accounts"` See `models.special_models.MatchingAccounts` docstring - `("", "", "filtered_members")`: See `models.special_models.FilteredMembers` docstring - `("filtered_homeservers")`: See `models.special_models.FilteredHomeservers` docstring clients: A `{user_id: MatrixClient}` dict for the logged-in clients we managed. Every client is logged to one matrix account. media_cache: A matrix media cache for downloaded files. presences: A `{user_id: Presence}` dict for storing presence info about matrix users registered on Mirage. mxc_events: A dict storing media `Event` model items for any account that have the same mxc URI """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.appdirs = AppDirs(appname=__app_name__, roaming=True) self.models = ModelStore() self.saved_accounts = Accounts(self) self.settings = Settings(self) self.ui_state = UIState(self) self.history = History(self) self.theme = Theme(self, self.settings.General.theme) # self.new_theme = NewTheme(self, self.settings.General.new_theme) self.new_theme = NewTheme(self, ".new.py") # TODO Pre070Settings(self) self.clients: Dict[str, MatrixClient] = {} self._sso_server: Optional[SSOServer] = None self._sso_server_task: Optional[asyncio.Future] = None self.profile_cache: Dict[str, nio.ProfileGetResponse] = {} self.get_profile_locks: DefaultDict[str, asyncio.Lock] = \ DefaultDict(asyncio.Lock) # {user_id: lock} self.send_locks: DefaultDict[str, asyncio.Lock] = \ DefaultDict(asyncio.Lock) # {room_id: lock} cache_dir = Path( os.environ.get("MIRAGE_CACHE_DIR") or self.appdirs.user_cache_dir, ) self.media_cache: MediaCache = MediaCache(self, cache_dir) self.presences: Dict[str, Presence] = {} self.concurrent_get_presence_limit = asyncio.BoundedSemaphore(8) self.mxc_events: DefaultDict[str, List[Event]] = DefaultDict(list) self.notification_avatar_cache: Dict[str, Path] = {} # {mxc: path} self.notifications_working: bool = True def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}(clients={self.clients!r})" # Clients management async def server_info(self, homeserver: str) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]: """Return server's real URL and supported login flows. Retrieving the real URL uses the `.well-known` API. Possible login methods include `m.login.password` or `m.login.sso`. """ if not re.match(r"https?://", homeserver): homeserver = f"http://{homeserver}" client = MatrixClient(self, homeserver=homeserver) http_re = re.compile("^http://") is_local = urlparse(client.homeserver).netloc.split(":")[0] in ( "localhost", "", "::1", ) try: client.homeserver = (await client.discovery_info()).homeserver_url except MatrixError: # This is either already the real URL, or an invalid URL. pass try: try: login_response = await client.login_info() except (asyncio.TimeoutError, MatrixError): # Maybe we still have a http URL and server only supports https client.homeserver = http_re.sub("https://", client.homeserver) login_response = await client.login_info() # If we still have a http URL and server redirected to https if login_response.transport_response.real_url.scheme == "https": client.homeserver = http_re.sub("https://", client.homeserver) # If we still have a http URL and server accept both http and https if http_re.match(client.homeserver) and not is_local: original = client.homeserver client.homeserver = http_re.sub("https://", client.homeserver) try: await asyncio.wait_for(client.login_info(), timeout=6) except (asyncio.TimeoutError, MatrixError): client.homeserver = original return (client.homeserver, login_response.flows) finally: await client.close() async def password_auth( self, user: str, password: str, homeserver: str, ) -> str: """Create & register a `MatrixClient`, login using the password and return the user ID we get. """ client = MatrixClient(self, user=user, homeserver=homeserver) return await self._do_login(client, password=password) async def start_sso_auth(self, homeserver: str) -> str: """Start SSO server and return URL to open in the user's browser. See the `sso_server.SSOServer` class documentation. Once the returned URL has been opened in the user's browser (done from QML), `MatrixClient.continue_sso_auth()` should be called. """ server = SSOServer(homeserver) self._sso_server = server self._sso_server_task = asyncio.ensure_future(server.wait_for_token()) return server.url_to_open async def continue_sso_auth(self) -> str: """Wait for the started SSO server to get a token, then login. `MatrixClient.start_sso_auth()` must be called first. Creates and register a `MatrixClient` for logging in. Returns the user ID we get from logging in. """ if not self._sso_server or not self._sso_server_task: raise RuntimeError("Must call Backend.start_sso_auth() first") await self._sso_server_task homeserver = self._sso_server.for_homeserver token = self._sso_server_task.result() self._sso_server_task = None self._sso_server = None client = MatrixClient(self, homeserver=homeserver) return await self._do_login(client, token=token) async def _do_login(self, client: MatrixClient, **login_kwargs) -> str: """Login on a client. If successful, register it and return user ID.""" try: await client.login(**login_kwargs) except MatrixError: await client.close() raise if client.user_id in self.clients: await client.logout() return client.user_id self.clients[client.user_id] = client return client.user_id async def resume_client( self, user_id: str, token: str, device_id: str, homeserver: str, state: str = "online", status_msg: str = "", ) -> None: """Create and register a `MatrixClient` with known account details.""" client = MatrixClient( self, user=user_id, homeserver=homeserver, device_id=device_id, ) self.clients[user_id] = client await client.resume(user_id, token, device_id, state, status_msg) async def load_saved_accounts(self) -> List[str]: """Call `resume_client` for all saved accounts in user config.""" async def resume(user_id: str, info: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: # Get or create account model self.models["accounts"].setdefault( user_id, Account(user_id, info.get("order", -1)), ) await self.resume_client( user_id = user_id, token = info["token"], device_id = info["device_id"], homeserver = info["homeserver"], state = info.get("presence", "online"), status_msg = info.get("status_msg", ""), ) return user_id return await asyncio.gather(*( resume(user_id, info) for user_id, info in self.saved_accounts.items() if info.get("enabled", True) )) async def logout_client(self, user_id: str) -> None: """Log a `MatrixClient` out and unregister it from our models.""" client = self.clients.pop(user_id, None) if client: try: await client.logout() except MatrixInvalidAccessToken: pass self.models["accounts"].pop(user_id, None) self.models["matching_accounts"].pop(user_id, None) self.models[user_id, "transfers"].clear() for room_id in self.models[user_id, "rooms"]: self.models["all_rooms"].pop(room_id, None) self.models[user_id, room_id, "members"].clear() self.models[user_id, room_id, "events"].clear() self.models[user_id, room_id, "filtered_members"].clear() self.models[user_id, "rooms"].clear() await self.saved_accounts.forget(user_id) async def terminate_clients(self) -> None: """Call every `MatrixClient`'s `terminate()` method.""" log.info("Setting clients offline...") tasks = [client.terminate() for client in self.clients.values()] await asyncio.gather(*tasks) async def get_client(self, user_id: str, _debug_info=None) -> MatrixClient: """Wait until a `MatrixClient` is registered in model and return it.""" failures = 0 while True: if user_id in self.clients: return self.clients[user_id] if failures and failures % 100 == 0: # every 10s except first time log.warning( "Client %r not found after %ds, _debug_info:\n%r", user_id, failures / 10, _debug_info, ) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) failures += 1 # Multi-client Matrix functions async def update_room_read_marker( self, room_id: str, event_id: str, ) -> None: """Update room's read marker to an event for all accounts part of it. """ async def update(client: MatrixClient) -> None: room = self.models[client.user_id, "rooms"].get(room_id) account = self.models["accounts"][client.user_id] if room: room.set_fields( unreads = 0, highlights = 0, local_unreads = False, local_highlights = False, ) await client.update_account_unread_counts() # Only update server markers if the account is not invisible if account.presence != Presence.State.invisible: await client.update_receipt_marker(room_id, event_id) await asyncio.gather(*[update(c) for c in self.clients.values()]) async def verify_device( self, user_id: str, device_id: str, ed25519_key: str, ) -> None: """Mark a device as verified on all our accounts.""" for client in self.clients.values(): try: device = client.device_store[user_id][device_id] except KeyError: continue if device.ed25519 == ed25519_key: client.verify_device(device) async def blacklist_device( self, user_id: str, device_id: str, ed25519_key: str, ) -> None: """Mark a device as blacklisted on all our accounts.""" for client in self.clients.values(): try: # This won't include the client's current device, as expected device = client.device_store[user_id][device_id] except KeyError: continue if device.ed25519 == ed25519_key: client.blacklist_device(device) # General functions async def get_config_dir(self) -> Path: return Path(self.appdirs.user_config_dir) async def get_theme_dir(self) -> Path: path = Path(self.appdirs.user_data_dir) / "themes" path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return path async def get_settings(self) -> Tuple[dict, UIState, History, str, dict]: """Return parsed user config files for QML.""" return ( self.settings.qml_data, self.ui_state.qml_data, self.history.qml_data, self.theme.qml_data, self.new_theme.qml_data, ) async def set_string_filter( self, model_id: Union[SyncId, List[str]], value: str, ) -> None: """Set a FieldStringFilter (or derived class) model's filter property. This should only be called from QML. """ if isinstance(model_id, list): # QML can't pass tuples model_id = tuple(model_id) model = Model.proxies[model_id] if not isinstance(model, FieldStringFilter): raise TypeError("model_id must point to a FieldStringFilter") model.filter = value async def set_account_collapse(self, user_id: str, collapse: bool) -> None: """Call `set_account_collapse()` on the `all_rooms` model. This should only be called from QML. """ self.models["all_rooms"].set_account_collapse(user_id, collapse) async def _ping_homeserver( self, session: aiohttp.ClientSession, homeserver_url: str, ) -> None: """Ping a homeserver present in our model and set its `ping` field.""" item = self.models["homeservers"][homeserver_url] times = [] for i in range(16): start = time.time() try: await session.get(f"{homeserver_url}/_matrix/client/versions") except aiohttp.ClientError as err: log.warning("Failed pinging %s: %r", homeserver_url, err) item.status = PingStatus.Failed return times.append(round((time.time() - start) * 1000)) if i == 7 or i == 15: item.set_fields( ping=sum(times) // len(times), status=PingStatus.Done, ) def _get_homeserver_stability( self, logs: List[Dict[str, Any]], ) -> Tuple[float, List[timedelta]]: """Return server stability % and a list of downtime durations.""" stability = 100.0 durations = [] for period in logs: started_at = datetime.fromtimestamp(period["datetime"]) time_since_now = datetime.now() - started_at if time_since_now.days > 30 or period["type"] != 1: # 1 = downtime continue lasted_minutes = period["duration"] / 60 durations.append(timedelta(seconds=period["duration"])) stability -= ( (lasted_minutes * stability / 1000) / max(1, time_since_now.days / 3) ) return (stability, durations) async def fetch_homeservers(self) -> None: """Retrieve a list of public homeservers and add them to our model.""" api_list = "https://publiclist.anchel.nl/publiclist.json" tmout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=20) session = aiohttp.ClientSession(raise_for_status=True, timeout=tmout) response = await session.get(api_list) coros = [] for server in (await response.json()): homeserver_url = server["homeserver"] if homeserver_url.startswith("http://"): # insecure server continue if not re.match(r"^https?://.+", homeserver_url): homeserver_url = f"https://{homeserver_url}" if server["country"] == "USA": server["country"] = "United States" stability, durations = \ self._get_homeserver_stability(server["monitor"]["logs"]) self.models["homeservers"][homeserver_url] = Homeserver( id = homeserver_url, name = server["name"], site_url = server["url"], country = server["country"], stability = stability, downtimes_ms = [d.total_seconds() * 1000 for d in durations], ) coros.append(self._ping_homeserver(session, homeserver_url)) await asyncio.gather(*coros) await session.close() async def desktop_notify( self, title: str, body: str = "", image: Union[Path, str] = "", ) -> None: # XXX: images on windows must be .ICO try: plyer.notification.notify( title = title, message = body, app_name = __app_name__, app_icon = str(image), timeout = 10, toast = False, ) self.notifications_working = True except Exception: # noqa if self.notifications_working: trace = traceback.format_exc().rstrip() log.error("Sending desktop notification failed\n%s", trace) self.notifications_working = False