# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later """Matrix client and related classes.""" import asyncio import html import io import logging as log import platform import re import sys import traceback from contextlib import suppress from copy import copy from datetime import datetime, timedelta from functools import partial from pathlib import Path from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, DefaultDict, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, Union, ) from urllib.parse import urlparse from uuid import UUID, uuid4 import cairosvg from PIL import Image as PILImage from pymediainfo import MediaInfo import nio from nio.crypto import AsyncDataT as UploadData from nio.crypto import async_generator_from_data from . import __app_name__, __display_name__, utils from .errors import ( BadMimeType, InvalidUserId, InvalidUserInContext, MatrixError, MatrixNotFound, MatrixTooLarge, UneededThumbnail, UserFromOtherServerDisallowed, ) from .html_markdown import HTML_PROCESSOR as HTML from .media_cache import Media, Thumbnail from .models.items import Event, Member, Room, Upload, UploadStatus, ZeroDate from .models.model_store import ModelStore from .nio_callbacks import NioCallbacks from .pyotherside_events import AlertRequested, LoopException if TYPE_CHECKING: from .backend import Backend if sys.version_info >= (3, 7): current_task = asyncio.current_task else: current_task = asyncio.Task.current_task CryptDict = Dict[str, Any] class UploadReturn(NamedTuple): """Details for an uploaded file.""" mxc: str mime: str decryption_dict: Dict[str, Any] class MatrixImageInfo(NamedTuple): """Image informations to be passed for Matrix file events.""" width: int height: int mime: str size: int def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Union[int, str]]: """Return a dict ready to be included in a Matrix file events.""" return { "w": self.width, "h": self.height, "mimetype": self.mime, "size": self.size, } class MatrixClient(nio.AsyncClient): """A client for an account to interact with a matrix homeserver.""" user_id_regex = re.compile(r"^@.+:.+") room_id_or_alias_regex = re.compile(r"^[#!].+:.+") http_s_url = re.compile(r"^https?://") def __init__(self, backend, user: str, homeserver: str = "https://matrix.org", device_id: Optional[str] = None) -> None: if not urlparse(homeserver).scheme: raise ValueError( f"homeserver is missing scheme (e.g. https://): {homeserver}", ) store = Path(backend.appdirs.user_data_dir) / "encryption" store.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) super().__init__( homeserver = homeserver, user = user, device_id = device_id, store_path = store, config = nio.AsyncClientConfig( max_timeout_retry_wait_time = 10, # TODO: pass a custom encryption DB pickle key? ), ) self.backend: "Backend" = backend self.models: ModelStore = self.backend.models self.profile_task: Optional[asyncio.Future] = None self.server_config_task: Optional[asyncio.Future] = None self.sync_task: Optional[asyncio.Future] = None self.load_rooms_task: Optional[asyncio.Future] = None self.upload_monitors: Dict[UUID, nio.TransferMonitor] = {} self.upload_tasks: Dict[UUID, asyncio.Task] = {} self.send_message_tasks: Dict[UUID, asyncio.Task] = {} self.first_sync_done: asyncio.Event = asyncio.Event() self.first_sync_date: Optional[datetime] = None self.past_tokens: Dict[str, str] = {} # {room_id: token} self.fully_loaded_rooms: Set[str] = set() # {room_id} self.loaded_once_rooms: Set[str] = set() # {room_id} self.cleared_events_rooms: Set[str] = set() # {room_id} self.skipped_events: DefaultDict[str, int] = DefaultDict(lambda: 0) self.nio_callbacks = NioCallbacks(self) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "%s(user_id=%r, homeserver=%r, device_id=%r)" % ( type(self).__name__, self.user_id, self.homeserver, self.device_id, ) async def _send(self, *args, **kwargs) -> nio.Response: """Raise a `MatrixError` subclass for any `nio.ErrorResponse`. This function is called by `nio.AsyncClient`'s methods to send requests to the server. Return normal responses, but catch any `ErrorResponse` to turn them into `MatrixError` exceptions we raise. """ response = await super()._send(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(response, nio.ErrorResponse): raise MatrixError.from_nio(response) return response @staticmethod def default_device_name() -> str: """Device name to set at login if the user hasn't set a custom one.""" os_name = platform.system() if not os_name: # unknown OS return __display_name__ # On Linux, the kernel version is returned, so for a one-time-set # device name it would quickly be outdated. os_ver = platform.release() if os_name == "Windows" else "" return f"{__display_name__} on {os_name} {os_ver}".rstrip() async def login(self, password: str, device_name: str = "") -> None: """Login to the server using the account's password.""" await super().login( password, device_name or self.default_device_name(), ) asyncio.ensure_future(self._start()) async def resume(self, user_id: str, token: str, device_id: str) -> None: """Login to the server using an existing access token.""" response = nio.LoginResponse(user_id, device_id, token) await self.receive_response(response) asyncio.ensure_future(self._start()) async def logout(self) -> None: """Logout from the server. This will delete the device.""" tasks = ( self.profile_task, self.load_rooms_task, self.sync_task, self.server_config_task, ) for task in tasks: if task: task.cancel() with suppress(asyncio.CancelledError): await task await super().logout() await self.close() @property def syncing(self) -> bool: """Return whether this client is currently syncing with the server.""" if not self.sync_task: return False return not self.sync_task.done() async def _start(self) -> None: """Fetch our user profile, server config and enter the sync loop.""" def on_profile_response(future) -> None: """Update our model `Account` with the received profile details.""" if future.cancelled(): # Account logged out return exception = future.exception() if exception: log.warn("On %s client startup: %r", self.user_id, exception) self.profile_task = asyncio.ensure_future( self.backend.get_profile(self.user_id), ) self.profile_task.add_done_callback(on_profile_response) return resp = future.result() account = self.models["accounts"][self.user_id] account.profile_updated = datetime.now() account.display_name = resp.displayname or "" account.avatar_url = resp.avatar_url or "" def on_server_config_response(future) -> None: """Update our model `Account` with the received config details.""" if future.cancelled(): # Account logged out return exception = future.exception() if exception: log.warn("On %s client startup: %r", self.user_id, exception) self.server_config_task = asyncio.ensure_future( self.get_server_config(), ) self.server_config_task.add_done_callback( on_server_config_response, ) return account = self.models["accounts"][self.user_id] account.max_upload_size = future.result() self.profile_task = asyncio.ensure_future( self.backend.get_profile(self.user_id), ) self.profile_task.add_done_callback(on_profile_response) self.server_config_task = asyncio.ensure_future( self.get_server_config(), ) self.server_config_task.add_done_callback(on_server_config_response) while True: try: self.sync_task = asyncio.ensure_future( self.sync_forever(timeout=10_000), ) await self.sync_task break # task cancelled except Exception as err: trace = traceback.format_exc().rstrip() if isinstance(err, MatrixError) and err.http_code >= 500: log.warning( "Server failure during sync for %s:\n%s", self.user_id, trace, ) else: LoopException(str(err), err, trace) await asyncio.sleep(2) async def get_server_config(self) -> int: """Return the maximum upload size on this server""" return (await self.content_repository_config()).upload_size @property def all_rooms(self) -> Dict[str, nio.MatrixRoom]: """Return dict containing both our joined and invited rooms.""" return {**self.invited_rooms, **self.rooms} async def send_text(self, room_id: str, text: str) -> None: """Send a markdown `m.text` or `m.notice` (with `/me`) message .""" from_md = partial(HTML.from_markdown, room_id=room_id) escape = False if text.startswith("//") or text.startswith(r"\/"): escape = True text = text[1:] if text.startswith("/me ") and not escape: event_type = nio.RoomMessageEmote text = text[len("/me "): ] content = {"body": text, "msgtype": "m.emote"} to_html = from_md(text, inline=True, outgoing=True) echo_body = from_md(text, inline=True) else: event_type = nio.RoomMessageText content = {"body": text, "msgtype": "m.text"} to_html = from_md(text, outgoing=True) echo_body = from_md(text) if to_html not in (html.escape(text), f"


"): content["format"] = "org.matrix.custom.html" content["formatted_body"] = to_html # Can't use the standard Matrix transaction IDs; they're only visible # to the sender so our other accounts wouldn't be able to replace # local echoes by real messages. tx_id = uuid4() content[f"{__app_name__}.transaction_id"] = str(tx_id) mentions = HTML.mentions_in_html(echo_body) await self._local_echo( room_id, tx_id, event_type, content=echo_body, mentions=mentions, ) await self._send_message(room_id, content, tx_id) async def toggle_pause_upload( self, room_id: str, uuid: Union[str, UUID], ) -> None: if isinstance(uuid, str): uuid = UUID(uuid) pause = not self.upload_monitors[uuid].pause self.upload_monitors[uuid].pause = pause self.models[room_id, "uploads"][str(uuid)].paused = pause async def cancel_upload(self, uuid: Union[str, UUID]) -> None: if isinstance(uuid, str): uuid = UUID(uuid) self.upload_tasks[uuid].cancel() async def send_file(self, room_id: str, path: Union[Path, str]) -> None: """Send a `m.file`, `m.image`, `m.audio` or `m.video` message.""" item_uuid = uuid4() try: await self._send_file(item_uuid, room_id, path) except (nio.TransferCancelledError, asyncio.CancelledError): log.info("Deleting item for cancelled upload %s", item_uuid) del self.upload_monitors[item_uuid] del self.upload_tasks[item_uuid] del self.models[room_id, "uploads"][str(item_uuid)] async def _send_file( self, item_uuid: UUID, room_id: str, path: Union[Path, str], ) -> None: """Upload and monitor a file + thumbnail and send the built event.""" # TODO: this function is way too complex, and most of it should be # refactored into nio. transaction_id = uuid4() path = Path(path) encrypt = room_id in self.encrypted_rooms try: size = path.resolve().stat().st_size except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError): # This error will be caught again by the try block later below size = 0 monitor = nio.TransferMonitor(size) upload_item = Upload(item_uuid, path, total_size=size) self.models[room_id, "uploads"][str(item_uuid)] = upload_item self.upload_monitors[item_uuid] = monitor self.upload_tasks[item_uuid] = current_task() # type: ignore def on_transferred(transferred: int) -> None: upload_item.uploaded = transferred def on_speed_changed(speed: float) -> None: upload_item.speed = speed upload_item.time_left = monitor.remaining_time or timedelta(0) monitor.on_transferred = on_transferred monitor.on_speed_changed = on_speed_changed try: url, mime, crypt_dict = await self.upload( lambda *_: path, filename = path.name, filesize = size, encrypt = encrypt, monitor = monitor, ) # FIXME: nio might not catch the cancel in time if monitor.cancel: raise nio.TransferCancelledError() except (MatrixError, OSError) as err: upload_item.status = UploadStatus.Error upload_item.error = type(err) upload_item.error_args = err.args # Wait for cancellation from UI, see parent send_file() method while True: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) upload_item.status = UploadStatus.Caching await Media.from_existing_file(self.backend.media_cache, url, path) kind = (mime or "").split("/")[0] thumb_url: str = "" thumb_info: Optional[MatrixImageInfo] = None content: dict = { f"{__app_name__}.transaction_id": str(transaction_id), "body": path.name, "info": { "mimetype": mime, "size": upload_item.total_size, }, } if encrypt: content["file"] = {"url": url, **crypt_dict} else: content["url"] = url if kind == "image": is_svg = mime == "image/svg+xml" event_type = \ nio.RoomEncryptedImage if encrypt else nio.RoomMessageImage content["msgtype"] = "m.image" content["info"]["w"], content["info"]["h"] = ( await utils.svg_dimensions(path) if is_svg else PILImage.open(path).size ) try: thumb_data, thumb_info = await self.generate_thumbnail( path, is_svg=is_svg, ) except UneededThumbnail: pass except Exception: trace = traceback.format_exc().rstrip() log.warning("Failed thumbnailing %s:\n%s", path, trace) else: thumb_ext = "png" if thumb_info.mime == "image/png" else "jpg" thumb_name = f"{path.stem}_thumbnail.{thumb_ext}" upload_item.status = UploadStatus.Uploading upload_item.filepath = Path(thumb_name) upload_item.total_size = len(thumb_data) try: upload_item.total_size = thumb_info.size monitor = nio.TransferMonitor(thumb_info.size) monitor.on_transferred = on_transferred monitor.on_speed_changed = on_speed_changed self.upload_monitors[item_uuid] = monitor thumb_url, _, thumb_crypt_dict = await self.upload( lambda *_: thumb_data, filename = f"{path.stem}_sample{path.suffix}", filesize = thumb_info.size, encrypt = encrypt, monitor = monitor, ) # FIXME: nio might not catch the cancel in time if monitor.cancel: raise nio.TransferCancelledError() except MatrixError as err: log.warning(f"Failed uploading thumbnail {path}: {err}") else: upload_item.status = UploadStatus.Caching await Thumbnail.from_bytes( self.backend.media_cache, thumb_url, path.name, thumb_data, wanted_size = (content["info"]["w"], content["info"]["h"]), ) if encrypt: content["info"]["thumbnail_file"] = { "url": thumb_url, **thumb_crypt_dict, } else: content["info"]["thumbnail_url"] = thumb_url content["info"]["thumbnail_info"] = thumb_info.as_dict() elif kind == "audio": event_type = \ nio.RoomEncryptedAudio if encrypt else nio.RoomMessageAudio content["msgtype"] = "m.audio" content["info"]["duration"] = getattr( MediaInfo.parse(path).tracks[0], "duration", 0, ) or 0 elif kind == "video": event_type = \ nio.RoomEncryptedVideo if encrypt else nio.RoomMessageVideo content["msgtype"] = "m.video" tracks = MediaInfo.parse(path).tracks content["info"]["duration"] = \ getattr(tracks[0], "duration", 0) or 0 content["info"]["w"] = max( getattr(t, "width", 0) or 0 for t in tracks ) content["info"]["h"] = max( getattr(t, "height", 0) or 0 for t in tracks ) else: event_type = \ nio.RoomEncryptedFile if encrypt else nio.RoomMessageFile content["msgtype"] = "m.file" content["filename"] = path.name del self.upload_monitors[item_uuid] del self.upload_tasks[item_uuid] del self.models[room_id, "uploads"][str(upload_item.id)] await self._local_echo( room_id, transaction_id, event_type, inline_content = path.name, media_url = url, media_title = path.name, media_width = content["info"].get("w", 0), media_height = content["info"].get("h", 0), media_duration = content["info"].get("duration", 0), media_size = content["info"]["size"], media_mime = content["info"]["mimetype"], thumbnail_url = thumb_url, thumbnail_width = content["info"].get("thumbnail_info", {}).get("w", 0), thumbnail_height = content["info"].get("thumbnail_info", {}).get("h", 0), thumbnail_mime = content["info"].get("thumbnail_info", {}).get("mimetype", ""), ) await self._send_message(room_id, content, transaction_id) async def _local_echo( self, room_id: str, transaction_id: UUID, event_type: Type[nio.Event], **event_fields, ) -> None: """Register a local model `Event` while waiting for the server. When the user sends a message, we want to show instant feedback in the UI timeline without waiting for the servers to receive our message and retransmit it to us. The event will be locally echoed for all our accounts that are members of the `room_id` room. This allows sending messages from other accounts within the same composer without having to go to another page in the UI, and getting direct feedback for these accounts in the timeline. When we do get the real event retransmited by the server, it will replace the local one we registered. """ our_info = self.models[self.user_id, room_id, "members"][self.user_id] content = event_fields.get("content", "").strip() if content and "inline_content" not in event_fields: event_fields["inline_content"] = HTML.filter( content, inline=True, room_id=room_id, ) event = Event( id = f"echo-{transaction_id}", event_id = "", event_type = event_type, date = datetime.now(), sender_id = self.user_id, sender_name = our_info.display_name, sender_avatar = our_info.avatar_url, is_local_echo = True, links = Event.parse_links(content), **event_fields, ) for user_id in self.models["accounts"]: if user_id in self.models[self.user_id, room_id, "members"]: key = f"echo-{transaction_id}" self.models[user_id, room_id, "events"][key] = copy(event) await self.set_room_last_event(room_id, event) async def _send_message( self, room_id: str, content: dict, transaction_id: UUID, ) -> None: """Send a message event with `content` dict to a room.""" self.send_message_tasks[transaction_id] = \ current_task() # type: ignore async with self.backend.send_locks[room_id]: await self.room_send( room_id = room_id, message_type = "m.room.message", content = content, ignore_unverified_devices = True, ) async def load_past_events(self, room_id: str) -> bool: """Ask the server for 100 previous events of the room. Events from before the client was started will be requested and registered into our models. Returns whether there are any messages left to load. """ if room_id in self.fully_loaded_rooms or \ room_id in self.invited_rooms or \ room_id in self.cleared_events_rooms: return False await self.first_sync_done.wait() while not self.past_tokens.get(room_id): # If a new room was added, wait for onSyncResponse to set the token await asyncio.sleep(0.1) response = await self.room_messages( room_id = room_id, start = self.past_tokens[room_id], limit = 100 if room_id in self.loaded_once_rooms else 25, ) self.loaded_once_rooms.add(room_id) more_to_load = True self.past_tokens[room_id] = response.end for event in response.chunk: if isinstance(event, nio.RoomCreateEvent): self.fully_loaded_rooms.add(room_id) more_to_load = False for cb in self.event_callbacks: if (cb.filter is None or isinstance(event, cb.filter)): await cb.func(self.all_rooms[room_id], event) return more_to_load async def load_rooms_without_visible_events(self) -> None: """Call `_load_room_without_visible_events` for all joined rooms.""" for room_id in self.models[self.user_id, "rooms"]: asyncio.ensure_future( self._load_room_without_visible_events(room_id), ) async def _load_room_without_visible_events(self, room_id: str) -> None: """Request past events for rooms without any suitable event to show. Some events are currently not supported, or processed but not shown in the UI timeline/room "last event" subtitle, e.g. the "x changed their name/avatar" events. It could happen that all the initial events received in the initial sync for a room are such events, and thus we'd have nothing to show in the room. This method tries to load past events until we have at least one to show or there is nothing left to load. """ events = self.models[self.user_id, room_id, "events"] more = True while self.skipped_events[room_id] and not events and more: try: more = await self.load_past_events(room_id) except MatrixError: break async def new_direct_chat(self, invite: str, encrypt: bool = False) -> str: """Create a room and invite a single user in it for a direct chat.""" if invite == self.user_id: raise InvalidUserInContext(invite) if not self.user_id_regex.match(invite): raise InvalidUserId(invite) # Raise MatrixNotFound if profile doesn't exist await self.get_profile(invite) response = await super().room_create( invite = [invite], is_direct = True, visibility = nio.RoomVisibility.private, initial_state = [nio.EnableEncryptionBuilder().as_dict()] if encrypt else [], ) return response.room_id async def new_group_chat( self, name: Optional[str] = None, topic: Optional[str] = None, public: bool = False, encrypt: bool = False, federate: bool = True, ) -> str: """Create a new matrix room with the purpose of being a group chat.""" response = await super().room_create( name = name or None, topic = topic or None, federate = federate, visibility = nio.RoomVisibility.public if public else nio.RoomVisibility.private, initial_state = [nio.EnableEncryptionBuilder().as_dict()] if encrypt else [], ) return response.room_id async def room_join(self, alias_or_id_or_url: str) -> str: """Join an existing matrix room.""" string = alias_or_id_or_url.strip() if self.http_s_url.match(string): for part in urlparse(string).fragment.split("/"): if self.room_id_or_alias_regex.match(part): string = part break else: raise ValueError(f"No alias or room id found in url {string}") if not self.room_id_or_alias_regex.match(string): raise ValueError("Not an alias or room id") response = await super().join(string) return response.room_id async def room_forget(self, room_id: str) -> None: """Leave a joined room (or decline an invite) and forget its history. If all the members of a room leave and forget it, that room will be marked as suitable for destruction by the server. """ self.models[self.user_id, "rooms"].pop(room_id, None) self.models.pop((self.user_id, room_id, "events"), None) self.models.pop((self.user_id, room_id, "members"), None) try: await super().room_leave(room_id) except MatrixNotFound: # already left pass await super().room_forget(room_id) async def room_mass_invite( self, room_id: str, *user_ids: str, ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[Tuple[str, Exception]]]: """Invite users to a room in parallel. Returns a tuple with: - A list of users we successfully invited - A list of `(user_id, Exception)` tuples for those failed to invite. """ user_ids = tuple( uid for uid in user_ids # Server would return a 403 forbidden for users already in the room if uid not in self.all_rooms[room_id].users ) async def invite(user_id: str): if not self.user_id_regex.match(user_id): return InvalidUserId(user_id) if not self.rooms[room_id].federate: _, user_server = user_id.split(":", maxsplit=1) _, room_server = room_id.split(":", maxsplit=1) user_server = re.sub(r":443$", "", user_server) room_server = re.sub(r":443$", "", room_server) if user_server != room_server: return UserFromOtherServerDisallowed(user_id) try: await self.get_profile(user_id) except MatrixNotFound as err: return err return await self.room_invite(room_id, user_id) coros = [invite(uid) for uid in user_ids] successes = [] errors: list = [] responses = await asyncio.gather(*coros) for user_id, response in zip(user_ids, responses): if isinstance(response, nio.RoomInviteError): errors.append((user_id, MatrixError.from_nio(response))) elif isinstance(response, Exception): errors.append((user_id, response)) else: successes.append(user_id) return (successes, errors) async def get_redacted_event_content( self, nio_type: Type[nio.Event], redacter: str, sender: str, reason: str = "", ) -> str: """Get content to be displayed in place of a redacted event.""" kind = ( "message" if issubclass(nio_type, nio.RoomMessage) else "media" if issubclass(nio_type, nio.RoomMessageMedia) else "event" ) content = f"%1 removed this {kind}" if redacter == sender else \ f"%1's {kind} was removed by %2" if reason: content = f"{content}, reason: {reason}" return content async def room_mass_redact( self, room_id: str, reason: str, *event_client_ids: str, ) -> List[nio.RoomRedactResponse]: """Redact events from a room in parallel.""" tasks = [] for user_id in self.backend.clients: for client_id in event_client_ids: event = self.models[user_id, room_id, "events"].get(client_id) if not event: continue if event.is_local_echo: if user_id == self.user_id: uuid = UUID(event.id.replace("echo-", "")) self.send_message_tasks[uuid].cancel() event.is_local_echo = False else: if user_id == self.user_id: tasks.append( self.room_redact(room_id, event.event_id, reason), ) event.is_local_echo = True event.content = await self.get_redacted_event_content( event.event_type, self.user_id, event.sender_id, reason, ) event.event_type = nio.RedactedEvent return await asyncio.gather(*tasks) async def generate_thumbnail( self, data: UploadData, is_svg: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[bytes, MatrixImageInfo]: """Create a thumbnail from an image, return the bytes and info.""" png_modes = ("1", "L", "P", "RGBA") data = b"".join([c async for c in async_generator_from_data(data)]) is_svg = await utils.guess_mime(data) == "image/svg+xml" if is_svg: svg_width, svg_height = await utils.svg_dimensions(data) data = cairosvg.svg2png( bytestring = data, parent_width = svg_width, parent_height = svg_height, ) thumb = PILImage.open(io.BytesIO(data)) small = thumb.width <= 800 and thumb.height <= 600 is_jpg_png = thumb.format in ("JPEG", "PNG") jpgable_png = thumb.format == "PNG" and thumb.mode not in png_modes if small and is_jpg_png and not jpgable_png and not is_svg: raise UneededThumbnail() if not small: thumb.thumbnail((800, 600)) with io.BytesIO() as out: if thumb.mode in png_modes: thumb.save(out, "PNG", optimize=True) mime = "image/png" else: thumb.convert("RGB").save(out, "JPEG", optimize=True) mime = "image/jpeg" thumb_data = out.getvalue() thumb_size = len(thumb_data) if thumb_size >= len(data) and is_jpg_png and not is_svg: raise UneededThumbnail() info = MatrixImageInfo(thumb.width, thumb.height, mime, thumb_size) return (thumb_data, info) async def upload( self, data_provider: nio.DataProvider, filename: Optional[str] = None, filesize: Optional[int] = None, mime: Optional[str] = None, encrypt: bool = False, monitor: Optional[nio.TransferMonitor] = None, ) -> UploadReturn: """Upload a file to the matrix homeserver.""" if filesize > self.models["accounts"][self.user_id].max_upload_size: raise MatrixTooLarge() mime = mime or await utils.guess_mime(data_provider(0, 0)) response, decryption_dict = await super().upload( data_provider, "application/octet-stream" if encrypt else mime, filename, encrypt, monitor, filesize, ) return UploadReturn(response.content_uri, mime, decryption_dict) async def set_avatar_from_file(self, path: Union[Path, str]) -> None: """Upload an image to the homeserver and set it as our avatar.""" path = Path(path) mime = await utils.guess_mime(path) if mime.split("/")[0] != "image": raise BadMimeType(wanted="image/*", got=mime) mxc, *_ = await self.upload( data_provider = lambda *_: path, filename = path.name, filesize = path.resolve().stat().st_size, mime = mime, ) await self.set_avatar(mxc) async def import_keys(self, infile: str, passphrase: str) -> None: """Import decryption keys from a file, then retry decrypting events.""" await super().import_keys(infile, passphrase) await self.retry_decrypting_events() async def export_keys(self, outfile: str, passphrase: str) -> None: """Export our decryption keys to a file.""" path = Path(outfile) path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # The QML dialog asks the user if he wants to overwrite before this if path.exists(): path.unlink() await super().export_keys(outfile, passphrase) async def retry_decrypting_events(self) -> None: """Retry decrypting room `Event`s in our model we failed to decrypt.""" for sync_id, model in self.models.items(): if not (isinstance(sync_id, tuple) and len(sync_id) == 3 and sync_id[0] == self.user_id and sync_id[2] == "events"): continue _, room_id, _ = sync_id for ev in model.copy().values(): room = self.all_rooms[room_id] if isinstance(ev.source, nio.MegolmEvent): try: decrypted = self.decrypt_event(ev.source) if not decrypted: raise nio.EncryptionError() except nio.EncryptionError: continue for cb in self.event_callbacks: if not cb.filter or isinstance(decrypted, cb.filter): await asyncio.coroutine(cb.func)(room, decrypted) async def clear_events(self, room_id: str) -> None: """Remove every `Event` of a room we registered in our model. The events will be gone from the UI, until the client is restarted. """ self.cleared_events_rooms.add(room_id) model = self.models[self.user_id, room_id, "events"] if model: model.clear() self.models[self.user_id, "rooms"][room_id].last_event_date = \ ZeroDate # Functions to register data into models async def event_is_past(self, ev: Union[nio.Event, Event]) -> bool: """Return whether an event was created before this client started.""" if not self.first_sync_date: return True if isinstance(ev, Event): return ev.date < self.first_sync_date date = datetime.fromtimestamp(ev.server_timestamp / 1000) return date < self.first_sync_date async def set_room_last_event(self, room_id: str, item: Event) -> None: """Set the `last_event` for a `Room` using data in our `Event` model. The `last_event` is notably displayed in the UI room subtitles. """ room = self.models[self.user_id, "rooms"][room_id] if item.date > room.last_event_date: room.last_event_date = item.date async def register_nio_room( self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, left: bool = False, ) -> None: """Register a `nio.MatrixRoom` as a `Room` object in our model.""" # Add room inviter = getattr(room, "inviter", "") or "" levels = room.power_levels can_send_state = partial(levels.can_user_send_state, self.user_id) can_send_msg = partial(levels.can_user_send_message, self.user_id) try: registered = self.models[self.user_id, "rooms"][room.room_id] last_event_date = registered.last_event_date typing_members = registered.typing_members mentions = registered.mentions except KeyError: last_event_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(0) typing_members = [] mentions = 0 self.models[self.user_id, "rooms"][room.room_id] = Room( id = room.room_id, given_name = room.name or "", display_name = room.display_name or "", avatar_url = room.gen_avatar_url or "", plain_topic = room.topic or "", topic = HTML.filter( room.topic or "", inline=True, room_id=room.room_id, ), inviter_id = inviter, inviter_name = room.user_name(inviter) if inviter else "", inviter_avatar = (room.avatar_url(inviter) or "") if inviter else "", left = left, typing_members = typing_members, encrypted = room.encrypted, invite_required = room.join_rule == "invite", guests_allowed = room.guest_access == "can_join", can_invite = levels.can_user_invite(self.user), can_redact_all = levels.can_user_redact(self.user), can_send_messages = can_send_msg(), can_set_name = can_send_state("m.room.name"), can_set_topic = can_send_state("m.room.topic"), can_set_avatar = can_send_state("m.room.avatar"), can_set_encryption = can_send_state("m.room.encryption"), can_set_join_rules = can_send_state("m.room.join_rules"), can_set_guest_access = can_send_state("m.room.guest_access"), last_event_date = last_event_date, mentions = mentions, ) # List members that left the room, then remove them from our model left_the_room = [ user_id for user_id in self.models[self.user_id, room.room_id, "members"] if user_id not in room.users ] for user_id in left_the_room: del self.models[self.user_id, room.room_id, "members"][user_id] HTML.rooms_user_id_names[room.room_id].pop(user_id, None) # Add the room members to the added room new_dict = { user_id: Member( id = user_id, display_name = room.user_name(user_id) # disambiguated if member.display_name else "", avatar_url = member.avatar_url or "", typing = user_id in room.typing_users, power_level = member.power_level, invited = member.invited, ) for user_id, member in room.users.items() } self.models[self.user_id, room.room_id, "members"].update(new_dict) for user_id, member in room.users.items(): if member.display_name: HTML.rooms_user_id_names[room.room_id][user_id] = \ member.display_name async def get_member_name_avatar( self, room_id: str, user_id: str, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Return a room member's display name and avatar. If the member isn't found in the room (e.g. they left), their profile is retrieved using `MatrixClient.backend.get_profile()`. """ try: item = self.models[self.user_id, room_id, "members"][user_id] except KeyError: # e.g. user is not anymore in the room try: info = await self.backend.get_profile(user_id) return (info.displayname or "", info.avatar_url or "") except MatrixError: return ("", "") else: return (item.display_name, item.avatar_url) async def register_nio_event( self, room: nio.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.Event, event_id: str = "", **fields, ) -> None: """Register a `nio.Event` as a `Event` object in our model.""" await self.register_nio_room(room) sender_name, sender_avatar = \ await self.get_member_name_avatar(room.room_id, ev.sender) target_id = getattr(ev, "state_key", "") or "" target_name, target_avatar = \ await self.get_member_name_avatar(room.room_id, target_id) \ if target_id else ("", "") content = fields.get("content", "").strip() if content and "inline_content" not in fields: fields["inline_content"] = HTML.filter( content, inline=True, room_id=room.room_id, ) # Create Event ModelItem item = Event( id = event_id or ev.event_id, event_id = ev.event_id, event_type = type(ev), source = ev, date = datetime.fromtimestamp(ev.server_timestamp / 1000), sender_id = ev.sender, sender_name = sender_name, sender_avatar = sender_avatar, target_id = target_id, target_name = target_name, target_avatar = target_avatar, links = Event.parse_links(content), **fields, ) # Add the Event to model model = self.models[self.user_id, room.room_id, "events"] tx_id = ev.source.get("content", {}).get( f"{__app_name__}.transaction_id", ) local_sender = ev.sender in self.backend.clients if local_sender and tx_id and f"echo-{tx_id}" in model: item.id = f"echo-{tx_id}" if not local_sender and not await self.event_is_past(ev): AlertRequested() model[item.id] = item await self.set_room_last_event(room.room_id, item)