// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12 import "Base" import "ShortcutBundles" HDrawer { id: debugConsole property Item previouslyFocused: null property QtObject target: null property alias t: debugConsole.target property var history: window.history.console property alias his: debugConsole.history property int historyEntry: -1 property int maxHistoryLength: 4096 property string help: qsTr( `Javascript debugging console Useful variables: window, theme, settings, utils, mainPane, mainUI, pageLoader py Python interpreter this The console itself t Target item to debug for which this console was opened his History, list of commands entered Special commands: .j OBJECT, .json OBJECT Print OBJECT as human-readable JSON .t, .top Attach the console to the parent window's top .b, .bottom Attach the console to the parent window's bottom .l, .left Attach the console to the parent window's left .r, .right Attach the console to the parent window's right .h, .help Show this help`.replace(/^ {8}/gm, "") ) property bool doUselessThing: false property real baseGIFSpeed: 1.0 readonly property alias commandsView: commandsView function toggle(targetItem=null, js="", addToHistory=false) { if (debugConsole.visible) { debugConsole.visible = false return } debugConsole.visible = true debugConsole.target = ! targetItem && ! debugConsole.target ? mainUI : targetItem ? targetItem : debugConsole.target if (js) debugConsole.runJS(js, addToHistory) } function runJS(input, addToHistory=true) { if (addToHistory && history.slice(-1)[0] !== input) { history.push(input) while (history.length > maxHistoryLength) history.shift() window.historyChanged() } let output = "" let error = false try { if ([".h", ".help"].includes(input)) { output = debugConsole.help } else if ([".t", ".top"].includes(input)) { debugConsole.edge = Qt.TopEdge } else if ([".b", ".bottom"].includes(input)) { debugConsole.edge = Qt.BottomEdge } else if ([".l", ".left"].includes(input)) { debugConsole.edge = Qt.LeftEdge } else if ([".r", ".right"].includes(input)) { debugConsole.edge = Qt.RightEdge } else if (input.startsWith(".j ") || input.startsWith(".json ")) { output = JSON.stringify(eval(input.substring(2)), null, 4) } else { let result = eval(input) output = result instanceof Array ? "[" + String(result) + "]" : String(result) } } catch (err) { error = true output = err.toString() } commandsView.model.insert(0, { input, output, error }) } objectName: "debugConsole" edge: Qt.TopEdge x: horizontal ? 0 : referenceSizeParent.width / 2 - width / 2 y: vertical ? 0 : referenceSizeParent.height / 2 - height / 2 width: horizontal ? calculatedSize : Math.min(window.width, 720) height: vertical ? calculatedSize : Math.min(window.height, 720) defaultSize: 400 z: 9999 position: 0 onTargetChanged: { commandsView.model.insert(0, { input: "t = " + String(target), output: "", error: false, }) } onVisibleChanged: { if (visible) { previouslyFocused = window.activeFocusItem forceActiveFocus() } else if (previouslyFocused) { previouslyFocused.forceActiveFocus() } } onHistoryEntryChanged: inputField.text = historyEntry === -1 ? "" : history.slice(-historyEntry - 1)[0] HShortcut { sequences: settings.keys.toggleDebugConsole onActivated: debugConsole.toggle() } HColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent HListView { id: commandsView spacing: theme.spacing topMargin: theme.spacing bottomMargin: topMargin leftMargin: theme.spacing rightMargin: leftMargin clip: true verticalLayoutDirection: ListView.BottomToTop Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true model: ListModel {} delegate: HColumnLayout { width: commandsView.width - commandsView.leftMargin - commandsView.rightMargin HLabel { text: "> " + model.input wrapMode: HLabel.Wrap color: theme.chat.message.quote font.family: theme.fontFamily.mono visible: Boolean(model.input) Layout.fillWidth: true } HLabel { text: "" + model.output wrapMode: HLabel.Wrap color: model.error ? theme.colors.errorText : theme.colors.text font.family: theme.fontFamily.mono visible: Boolean(model.output) Layout.fillWidth: true } } FlickShortcuts { active: debugConsole.visible flickable: commandsView } Rectangle { z: -10 anchors.fill: parent color: theme.colors.weakBackground } } HTextField { id: inputField focus: true onAccepted: if (text) { runJS(text); text = ""; historyEntry = -1 } backgroundColor: Qt.hsla(0, 0, 0, 0.85) bordered: false placeholderText: qsTr("JavaScript debug console - Try .help") font.family: theme.fontFamily.mono Keys.onUpPressed: if (historyEntry + 1 < history.length ) historyEntry += 1 Keys.onDownPressed: if (historyEntry - 1 >= -1) historyEntry -= 1 Keys.onEscapePressed: debugConsole.close() Layout.fillWidth: true } } NumberAnimation { running: doUselessThing target: mainUI.mainPane.roomList property: "rotation" duration: 250 from: 360 to: 0 loops: Animation.Infinite onStopped: target.rotation = 0 } }