import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import "../../Base" Row { id: messageContent spacing: standardSpacing / 2 layoutDirection: isOwn ? Qt.RightToLeft : Qt.LeftToRight function textHueForName(name) { // TODO: move return Qt.hsla(avatar.hueFromName(name), HStyle.displayName.saturation, HStyle.displayName.lightness, 1) } HAvatar { id: avatar hidden: combine name: senderInfo.displayName || stripUserId(model.senderId) dimension: model.showNameLine ? 48 : 28 } Rectangle { color: isMessage(model) ? : //width: nameLabel.implicitWidth width: Math.min( roomEventListView.width - avatar.width - messageContent.spacing, HStyle.fontSize.normal * 0.5 * 75, // 600 with 16px font Math.max( nameLabel.visible ? nameLabel.implicitWidth : 0, contentLabel.implicitWidth ) ) height: nameLabel.height + contentLabel.implicitHeight Column { spacing: 0 anchors.fill: parent HLabel { width: parent.width height: model.showNameLine && ! combine ? implicitHeight : 0 visible: height > 0 id: nameLabel text: senderInfo.displayName || model.senderId color: textHueForName( elide: Text.ElideRight maximumLineCount: 1 horizontalAlignment: isOwn ? Text.AlignRight : Text.AlignLeft leftPadding: horizontalPadding rightPadding: horizontalPadding topPadding: verticalPadding } HRichLabel { function escapeHtml(text) { // TODO: move this return text.replace("&", "&") .replace("<", "<") .replace(">", ">") .replace('"', """) .replace("'", "'") } function translate(text) { if (model.translatable == false) { return text } text = text.replace( "%S", "" + escapeHtml(senderInfo.displayName || model.senderId) + "" ) var name = models.users.getUser( chatPage.userId, model.targetUserId ).displayName var sid = avatar.stripUserId(model.targetUserId || "") text = text.replace( "%T", "" + escapeHtml(name || model.targetUserId) + "" ) text = qsTr(text) if (model.translatable == true) { return text } // Else, model.translatable should be an array of args for (var i = 0; model.translatable.length; i++) { text = text.arg(model.translatable[i]) } } width: parent.width id: contentLabel text: translate(model.content) + "  " + Qt.formatDateTime(, "hh:mm:ss") + "" + (model.isLocalEcho ? " " : "") color: wrapMode: Text.Wrap leftPadding: horizontalPadding rightPadding: horizontalPadding topPadding: nameLabel.visible ? 0 : verticalPadding bottomPadding: verticalPadding } } } }