import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12 import "../../Base" import "../../utils.js" as Utils HColumnLayout { function importKeys(file, passphrase) { importButton.loading = true let path = file.toString().replace(/^file:\/\//, "") py.callClientCoro( editAccount.userId, "import_keys", [path, passphrase], () => { if (importButton) importButton.loading = false } ) } HLabel { wrapMode: Text.Wrap text: qsTr( "The decryption keys for messages you received in encrypted " + "rooms can be exported to a passphrase-protected file.%1" + "You will then be able to import this file in another " + "Matrix client." ).arg(pageLoader.isWide ? "\n" :"\n\n") Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.margins: currentSpacing } HRowLayout { HButton { id: exportButton "export-keys" text: qsTr("Export") enabled: false Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom } HButton { id: importButton "import-keys" text: qsTr("Import") Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom HFileDialogOpener { id: fileDialog dialog.title: qsTr("Select a decryption key file to import") onFileChanged: { importPasswordPopup.file = file } } } } HPasswordPopup { property url file: "" function verifyPassword(pass, callback) { return py.callCoro( "check_exported_keys_passphrase", [file.toString().replace(/^file:\/\//, ""), pass], callback ) } id: importPasswordPopup label.text: qsTr( "Please enter the passphrase that was used to protect this file:" ) onAcceptedPasswordChanged: importKeys(file, acceptedPassword) } }