// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later import QtQuick 2.12 import "../Base" import "../Base/Buttons" HFlickableColumnPopup { id: popup property string userId signal signBackInRequest() page.footer: AutoDirectionLayout { ApplyButton { id: signBackButton text: qsTr("Sign back in") icon.name: "sign-back-in" onClicked: { const page = "Pages/AddAccount/AddAccount.qml" window.mainUI.pageLoader.show(page) popup.close() } } CancelButton { text: qsTr("Close") onClicked: popup.close() } } SummaryLabel { text: qsTr("Signed out from %1").arg(coloredNameHtml("", userId)) textFormat: SummaryLabel.StyledText } DetailsLabel { text: qsTr( "You have been disconnected from another session, " + "by the server for security reasons, or the access token in " + "your configuration file is invalid." ) } onOpened: signBackButton.forceActiveFocus() }