// Copyright 2019 miruka // This file is part of harmonyqml, licensed under LGPLv3. import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12 import "../Base" import "../utils.js" as Utils HInteractiveRectangle { id: roomDelegate width: roomList.width height: childrenRect.height TapHandler { onTapped: pageStack.showRoom( roomList.userId, roomList.category, model.roomId ) } Row { width: parent.width - leftPadding * 2 padding: sidePane.currentSpacing / 2 leftPadding: sidePane.currentSpacing rightPadding: 0 HRowLayout { width: parent.width spacing: sidePane.currentSpacing HRoomAvatar { id: roomAvatar roomId: model.roomId } HColumnLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true HLabel { id: roomLabel text: model.displayName || "Empty room" textFormat: model.displayName? Text.PlainText : Text.StyledText elide: Text.ElideRight verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter Layout.fillWidth: true } HRichLabel { function getText(ev) { if (! ev) { return "" } if (! Utils.eventIsMessage(ev)) { return Utils.translatedEventContent(ev) } return Utils.coloredNameHtml( users.find(ev.senderId).displayName, ev.senderId ) + ": " + py.callSync("inlinify", [ev.content]) } // Have to do it like this to avoid binding loop property var lastEv: timelines.lastEventOf(model.roomId) onLastEvChanged: text = getText(lastEv) id: subtitleLabel visible: Boolean(text) textFormat: Text.StyledText font.pixelSize: theme.fontSize.small elide: Text.ElideRight Layout.fillWidth: true } } } } }