// vim: syntax=qml // Base variables real uiScale: window.settings.General.zoom int minimumSupportedWidth: 240 * uiScale int minimumSupportedHeight: 120 * uiScale int contentIsWideAbove: 472 * uiScale int baseElementsHeight: 36 * uiScale int spacing: 12 * uiScale int radius: 4 * uiScale int animationDuration: 100 real loadingElementsOpacity: 0.8 real disabledElementsOpacity: 0.3 fontSize: int smaller: 13 * uiScale int small: 13 * uiScale int normal: 16 * uiScale int big: 20 * uiScale int bigger: 32 * uiScale int biggest: 48 * uiScale fontFamily: string sans: "Roboto" string mono: "Hack" // Fonts are comma-separated. // For example, if you want colorful emoji, you could do: // string sans: "Roboto,Joypixels" // string mono: "Hack,Joypixels" colors: int hue: 240 real intensity: 1.0 real coloredTextIntensity: intensity * 71 real dimColoredTextIntensity: intensity * 60 int saturation: 60 int bgSaturation: saturation int coloredTextSaturation: saturation + 20 int dimColoredTextSaturation: saturation real opacity: 0.7 color weakBackground: hsluv(hue, bgSaturation, intensity * 2.5, opacity) color mediumBackground: hsluv(hue, bgSaturation, intensity * 7, opacity) color strongBackground: hsluv(hue, bgSaturation * 2, intensity, opacity) color accentBackground: hsluv(hue, saturation, intensity * 40, 1) color accentElement: hsluv(hue, saturation * 1.5, intensity * 52, 1) color strongAccentElement: hsluv(hue, saturation * 1.5, intensity * 72, 1) color positiveBackground: hsluv(155, saturation * 1.5, intensity * 65, 1) color middleBackground: hsluv(60, saturation * 1.5, intensity * 65, 1) color negativeBackground: hsluv(0, saturation * 1.5, intensity * 54, 1) color alertBackground: negativeBackground color brightText: hsluv(0, 0, intensity * 100) color text: hsluv(0, 0, intensity * 85) color halfDimText: hsluv(0, 0, intensity * 72) color dimText: hsluv(0, 0, intensity * 60) color positiveText: hsluv(155, coloredTextSaturation, coloredTextIntensity) color warningText: hsluv(60, coloredTextSaturation, coloredTextIntensity) color errorText: hsluv(0, coloredTextSaturation, coloredTextIntensity) color accentText: hsluv(hue, coloredTextSaturation, coloredTextIntensity) color link: hsluv(hue, coloredTextSaturation, coloredTextIntensity) color code: hsluv(hue + 10, coloredTextSaturation, coloredTextIntensity) // Example of an animation, set running: true to enable NumberAnimation on hue running: false from: 0 to: 360 duration: 10000 loops: Animation.Infinite icons: string preferredPack: "thin" // "transparent" to disable colorizing color colorize: hsluv(0, 0, colors.intensity * 90) color disabledColorize: "white" int smallDimension: 16 * uiScale int dimension: 22 * uiScale // Generic UI controls controls: scrollBar: int width: theme.spacing color track: colors.strongBackground color slider: colors.accentElement color hoveredSlider: colors.accentElement color pressedSlider: colors.strongAccentElement int sliderPadding: 2 int sliderRadius: theme.radius box: int defaultWidth: minimumSupportedWidth color background: colors.mediumBackground int radius: theme.radius popup: int defaultWidth: minimumSupportedWidth * 1.75 color background: colors.mediumBackground color opaqueBackground: hsluv( colors.hue, colors.bgSaturation, colors.intensity * 7, 1 ) color windowOverlay: hsluv(0, 0, 0, 0.7) header: color background: colors.strongBackground button: color background: colors.strongBackground color text: colors.text color focusedBorder: colors.accentElement int focusedBorderWidth: 2 color hoveredOverlay: hsluv(0, 0, 50, 0.2) color pressedOverlay: hsluv(0, 0, 50, 0.5) color checkedOverlay: colors.accentBackground tab: color text: controls.button.text color background: controls.button.background color alternateBackground: hsluv( colors.hue, colors.bgSaturation * 1.25, colors.intensity * 4, Math.max(0.6, colors.opacity) ) color bottomLine: background color focusedBorder: colors.accentElement int focusedBorderWidth: 1 color hoveredOverlay: controls.button.hoveredOverlay color pressedOverlay: controls.button.pressedOverlay color checkedOverlay: controls.button.checkedOverlay menu: color background: hsluv( colors.hue, colors.bgSaturation * 2, colors.intensity, Math.max(0.9, colors.opacity), ) color border: "black" real borderWidth: 2 menuItem: color background: "transparent" color text: controls.button.text color hoveredOverlay: controls.button.hoveredOverlay color pressedOverlay: controls.button.hoveredOverlay color checkedOverlay: controls.button.hoveredOverlay checkBox: color checkIconColorize: colors.accentElement color boxBackground: controls.button.background int boxSize: 24 * uiScale color boxBorder: "black" color boxHoveredBorder: colors.accentElement color boxPressedBorder: colors.strongAccentElement color text: controls.button.text color subtitle: colors.dimText listView: color highlight: hsluv( colors.hue, colors.bgSaturation * 2, colors.intensity * 1, colors.opacity / 1.5, ) color highlightBorder: colors.strongAccentElement int highlightBorderThickness: 1 textField: color background: colors.strongBackground color focusedBackground: background int borderWidth: 1 color border: "transparent" color focusedBorder: colors.accentElement color errorBorder: colors.negativeBackground color text: colors.text color focusedText: colors.text color placeholderText: colors.dimText textArea: color background: colors.strongBackground int borderWidth: 1 color border: "transparent" color focusedBorder: colors.accentElement color errorBorder: colors.negativeBackground color text: colors.text color placeholderText: controls.textField.placeholderText toolTip: color background: colors.strongBackground color text: colors.text color border: "black" int borderWidth: 2 progressBar: int height: Math.max(2, spacing / 2) color background: colors.strongBackground color foreground: colors.accentElement color pausedForeground: colors.middleBackground color errorForeground: colors.negativeBackground circleProgressBar: int thickness: Math.max(2, spacing / 2) color background: colors.strongBackground color foreground: colors.accentElement color errorForeground: colors.negativeBackground color text: colors.text real indeterminateSpan: 0.5 // 0-1 slider: int radius: 2 int height: controls.progressBar.height color background: controls.progressBar.background color foreground: controls.progressBar.foreground handle: int size: 20 color inside: hsluv(0, 0, 90) color pressedInside: "white" color border: "black" color pressedBorder: colors.strongAccentElement avatar: int size: baseElementsHeight int compactSize: baseElementsHeight / 2 int radius: theme.radius hoveredImage: int size: 192 color background: hsluv(0, 0, 0, 0.4) background: int saturation: colors.saturation int lightness: Math.min(50, colors.intensity * 25) real opacity: 1.0 letter: int saturation: colors.saturation + 20 int lightness: colors.intensity * 60 real opacity: 1.0 displayName: int saturation: colors.coloredTextSaturation int lightness: colors.coloredTextIntensity int dimSaturation: colors.dimColoredTextSaturation int dimLightness: colors.dimColoredTextIntensity presence: color online: colors.positiveBackground color unavailable: colors.middleBackground color offline: hsluv(0, 0, 60, 1) color border: "black" int borderWidth: 2 * uiScale real opacity: 1.0 real radius: 6.0 * uiScale // Specific interface parts ui: // The background image can be an URL or local file path // (in the form file://, e.g. file:///home/user/images/foo.png). // If not specified, the gradient will be shown instead. url image: "../../images/midnight.jpg" point gradientStart: Qt.point(0, 0) point gradientEnd: Qt.point(window.width, window.height) color gradientStartColor: hsluv(colors.hue, 100, colors.intensity * 8) color gradientEndColor: hsluv(colors.hue + 50, 30, colors.intensity * 22) // To have a solid color instead, // set gradientStartColor and gradientEndColor to the same value, e.g.: // color gradientStartColor: hsluv(0, 0, 0, 0.5) // color gradientEndColor: hsluv(0, 0, 0, 0.5) mainPane: color background: "transparent" topBar: color background: colors.strongBackground color nameVersionLabel: colors.text accountBar: color background: colors.mediumBackground account: color selectedBackground: colors.accentBackground real selectedBackgroundOpacity: 0.3 color selectedBorder: colors.strongAccentElement int selectedBorderSize: 1 unreadIndicator: color background: colors.strongBackground color text: colors.accentText bool bold: false color border: Qt.darker(text, 2) int borderWidth: 1 int radius: theme.radius / 2 color highlightBackground: colors.strongBackground color highlightText: colors.errorText bool highlightBold: false color highlightBorder: Qt.darker(highlightText, 2) int highlightBorderWidth: 1 int highlightRadius: theme.radius / 2 listView: color background: colors.mediumBackground real offlineOpacity: 0.5 account: real collapsedOpacity: 0.3 color background: "transparent" color name: colors.text int avatarRadius: controls.avatar.radius int collapsedAvatarRadius: controls.avatar.size / 2 room: real leftRoomOpacity: 0.65 color background: "transparent" color name: colors.text color unreadName: colors.brightText color lastEventDate: colors.halfDimText color subtitle: colors.dimText color subtitleQuote: chat.message.quote int avatarRadius: controls.avatar.radius int collapsedAvatarRadius: controls.avatar.radius unreadIndicator: color background: colors.strongBackground color text: colors.accentText bool bold: false color border: Qt.darker(text, 2) int borderWidth: 1 int radius: theme.radius / 2 color highlightBackground: colors.strongBackground color highlightText: colors.errorText bool highlightBold: false color highlightBorder: Qt.darker(highlightText, 2) int highlightBorderWidth: 1 int highlightRadius: theme.radius / 2 bottomBar: color background: "transparent" color settingsButtonBackground: colors.strongBackground color filterFieldBackground: colors.strongBackground chat: roomHeader: color background: controls.header.background color name: colors.text color topic: colors.dimText roomPane: color background: "transparent" topBar: color background: colors.strongBackground listView: color background: colors.mediumBackground member: real invitedOpacity: 0.5 color background: "transparent" color name: colors.text color subtitle: colors.dimText color adminIcon: hsluv(60, colors.saturation * 2.25, 60) color moderatorIcon: adminIcon color invitedIcon: hsluv(0, colors.saturation * 2.25, 60) roomSettings: color background: colors.mediumBackground bottomBar: color background: colors.strongBackground inviteButton: color background: "transparent" filterMembers: color background: "transparent" eventList: color background: "transparent" message: int avatarSize: 56 * uiScale int collapsedAvatarSize: 32 * uiScale int avatarRadius: controls.avatar.radius int radius: theme.radius int horizontalSpacing: theme.spacing / 1.25 int verticalSpacing: theme.spacing / 1.75 color focusedHighlight: colors.accentBackground real focusedHighlightOpacity: 0.4 color background: colors.weakBackground color ownBackground: colors.mediumBackground color checkedBackground: colors.accentBackground color body: colors.text color date: colors.dimText color localEcho: colors.dimText color readCounter: colors.accentText color redactedBody: colors.dimText color noticeBody: colors.halfDimText int noticeLineWidth: 1 * uiScale color quote: hsluv( 135, colors.coloredTextSaturation, colors.coloredTextIntensity, ) color link: colors.link color code: colors.code string styleSheet: "* { white-space: pre-wrap }" + "a { color: " + link + " }" + "p { margin-top: 0 }" + "code { font-family: " + fontFamily.mono + "; " + "color: " + code + " }" + "h1, h2, h3 { font-weight: normal }" + "h1 { font-size: " + fontSize.biggest + "px }" + "h2 { font-size: " + fontSize.bigger + "px }" + "h3 { font-size: " + fontSize.big + "px }" + "h4 { font-size: " + fontSize.normal + "px }" + "h5 { font-size: " + fontSize.small + "px }" + "h6 { font-size: " + fontSize.smaller + "px }" + "table { margin-top: " + theme.spacing + "px; " + " margin-bottom: " + theme.spacing + "px }" + "td { padding-left: " + theme.spacing / 2 + "px; " + " padding-right: " + theme.spacing / 2 + "px; " + " padding-top: " + theme.spacing / 4 + "px; " + " padding-bottom: " + theme.spacing / 4 + "px } " + "li { margin-top: " + theme.spacing / 2 + "px; " + " margin-bottom: " + theme.spacing / 2 + "px; }" + ".sender { margin-bottom: " + spacing / 2 + " }" + ".quote { color: " + quote + " }" + ".mention { text-decoration: none; }" + ".room-id-mention, .room-alias-mention { font-weight: bold; }" string styleInclude: '\n' real thumbnailCheckedOverlayOpacity: 0.4 daybreak: color background: colors.mediumBackground color text: colors.text int radius: theme.radius inviteBanner: color background: colors.mediumBackground leftBanner: color background: colors.mediumBackground unknownDevices: color background: colors.mediumBackground typingMembers: color background: hsluv( colors.hue, colors.saturation, colors.intensity * 9, 0.52 ) replyBar: color background: chat.typingMembers.background fileTransfer: color background: chat.typingMembers.background userAutoCompletion: color background: chat.typingMembers.background int avatarsRadius: controls.avatar.radius color displayNames: colors.text color userIds: colors.dimText composer: color background: colors.strongBackground uploadButton: color background: "transparent" mediaPlayer: hoverPreview: int maxHeight: 192 progress: int height: 8 color background: hsluv(0, 0, 0, 0.5) controls: int iconSize: icons.dimension int volumeSliderWidth: 100 int speedSliderWidth: 100 color background: hsluv( colors.hue, colors.saturation * 1.25, colors.intensity * 2, 0.85, )