import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 TextField { id: field objectName: "" // Set one to allow remembering the text using a file selectByMouse: true leftPadding: theme.spacing rightPadding: leftPadding topPadding: theme.spacing / 1.5 bottomPadding: topPadding theme.fontFamily.sans font.pixelSize: theme.fontSize.normal font.pointSize: -1 placeholderTextColor: theme.controls.textField.placeholderText color: activeFocus ? theme.controls.textField.focusedText : theme.controls.textField.text background: Rectangle { id: textFieldBackground color: field.activeFocus ? focusedBackgroundColor : backgroundColor border.color: error ? errorBorder : field.activeFocus ? focusedBorderColor : borderColor border.width: bordered ? theme.controls.textField.borderWidth : 0 Behavior on color { HColorAnimation { factor: 0.25 } } Behavior on border.color { HColorAnimation { factor: 0.25 } } } // Set it only on component creation to avoid binding loops Component.onCompleted: if (! text && uiState[objectName]) text = uiState[objectName].text onTextChanged: { if (! objectName) return window.uiState[objectName] = {text} window.uiStateChanged() } Keys.onPressed: if ( event.modifiers & Qt.AltModifier || event.modifiers & Qt.MetaModifier ) event.accepted = true // XXX Still needed? property bool error: false property alias radius: textFieldBackground.radius property bool bordered: true property color backgroundColor: theme.controls.textField.background property color borderColor: theme.controls.textField.border property color errorBorder: theme.controls.textField.errorBorder property color focusedBackgroundColor: theme.controls.textField.focusedBackground property color focusedBorderColor: theme.controls.textField.focusedBorder }