# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Various utilities that are used throughout the package."""
import collections
import html
import inspect
import io
import json
import sys
import xml.etree.cElementTree as xml_etree # FIXME: bandit warning
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from enum import Enum
from enum import auto as autostr
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from types import ModuleType
from typing import (
Any, AsyncIterator, Callable, Dict, Mapping, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union,
from uuid import UUID
import aiofiles
import filetype
from aiofiles.threadpool.binary import AsyncBufferedReader
from aiofiles.threadpool.text import AsyncTextIOWrapper
from nio.crypto import AsyncDataT as File
from nio.crypto import async_generator_from_data
if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from async_generator import asynccontextmanager
AsyncOpenFile = Union[AsyncTextIOWrapper, AsyncBufferedReader]
Size = Tuple[int, int]
auto = autostr
class AutoStrEnum(Enum):
"""An Enum where auto() assigns the member's name instead of an integer.
>>> class Fruits(AutoStrEnum): apple = auto()
>>> Fruits.apple.value
def _generate_next_value_(name, *_):
return name
def dict_update_recursive(dict1: dict, dict2: dict) -> None:
"""Deep-merge `dict1` and `dict2`, recursive version of `dict.update()`."""
# https://gist.github.com/angstwad/bf22d1822c38a92ec0a9
for k in dict2:
if (k in dict1 and isinstance(dict1[k], dict) and
isinstance(dict2[k], collections.Mapping)):
dict_update_recursive(dict1[k], dict2[k])
dict1[k] = dict2[k]
async def is_svg(file: File) -> bool:
"""Return whether the file is a SVG (`lxml` is used for detection)."""
chunks = [c async for c in async_generator_from_data(file)]
with io.BytesIO(b"".join(chunks)) as file:
_, element = next(xml_etree.iterparse(file, ("start",)))
return element.tag == "{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}svg"
except (StopIteration, xml_etree.ParseError):
return False
async def svg_dimensions(file: File) -> Size:
"""Return the width and height, or viewBox width and height for a SVG.
If these properties are missing (broken file), ``(256, 256)`` is returned.
chunks = [c async for c in async_generator_from_data(file)]
with io.BytesIO(b"".join(chunks)) as file:
attrs = xml_etree.parse(file).getroot().attrib
width = round(float(attrs.get("width", attrs["viewBox"].split()[3])))
except (KeyError, IndexError, ValueError, TypeError):
width = 256
height = round(float(attrs.get("height", attrs["viewBox"].split()[4])))
except (KeyError, IndexError, ValueError, TypeError):
height = 256
return (width, height)
async def guess_mime(file: File) -> str:
"""Return the file's mimetype, or `application/octet-stream` if unknown."""
if isinstance(file, io.IOBase):
file.seek(0, 0)
elif isinstance(file, AsyncBufferedReader):
await file.seek(0, 0)
first_chunk: bytes
async for first_chunk in async_generator_from_data(file):
return "inode/x-empty" # empty file
# TODO: plaintext
mime = filetype.guess_mime(first_chunk)
return mime or (
"image/svg+xml" if await is_svg(file) else
if isinstance(file, io.IOBase):
file.seek(0, 0)
elif isinstance(file, AsyncBufferedReader):
await file.seek(0, 0)
def plain2html(text: str) -> str:
"""Convert `\\n` into `
` tags and `\\t` into four spaces."""
return html.escape(text)\
.replace("\n", "
.replace("\t", " " * 4)
def serialize_value_for_qml(value: Any, json_list_dicts: bool = False) -> Any:
"""Convert a value to make it easier to use from QML.
- For `int`, `float`, `bool`, `str` and `datetime`: the unchanged value
- For `Sequence` and `Mapping` subclasses (includes `list` and `dict`):
a JSON dump if `json_list_dicts` is `True`, else the unchanged value
- If the value is an instancied object and has a `serialized` attribute or
property, return that
- For `Enum` members, the actual value of the member
- For `Path` objects, a `file://` string
- For `UUID` object: the UUID in string form
- For `timedelta` objects: the delta as a number of milliseconds `int`
- For class types: the class `__name__`
- For anything else: the unchanged value
if isinstance(value, (int, float, bool, str, datetime)):
return value
if json_list_dicts and isinstance(value, (Sequence, Mapping)):
return json.dumps(value)
if not inspect.isclass(value) and hasattr(value, "serialized"):
return value.serialized
if hasattr(value, "__class__") and issubclass(value.__class__, Enum):
return value.value
if isinstance(value, Path):
return f"file://{value!s}"
if isinstance(value, UUID):
return str(value)
if isinstance(value, timedelta):
return value.total_seconds() * 1000
if inspect.isclass(value):
return value.__name__
return value
def classes_defined_in(module: ModuleType) -> Dict[str, Type]:
"""Return a `{name: class}` dict of all the classes a module defines."""
return {
m[0]: m[1] for m in inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass)
if not m[0].startswith("_") and
async def atomic_write(
path: Union[Path, str], binary: bool = False, **kwargs,
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[AsyncOpenFile, Callable[[], None]]]:
"""Write a file asynchronously (using aiofiles) and atomically.
Yields a `(open_temporary_file, done_function)` tuple.
The done function should be called after writing to the given file.
When the context manager exits, the temporary file will either replace
`path` if the function was called, or be deleted.
>>> async with atomic_write("foo.txt") as (file, done):
>>> await file.write("Sample text")
>>> done()
mode = "wb" if binary else "w"
path = Path(path)
temp = NamedTemporaryFile(dir=path.parent, delete=False)
temp_path = Path(temp.name)
can_replace = False
def done() -> None:
nonlocal can_replace
can_replace = True
async with aiofiles.open(temp_path, mode, **kwargs) as out:
yield (out, done)
if can_replace: