import QtQuick 2.12 import Qt.labs.platform 1.1 import "../Popups" HFileDialogOpener { fill: false dialog.title: qsTr("Select a decryption keys file to import") onFilePicked: { importPasswordPopup.file = file } property string userId: "" function importKeys(file, passphrase) { let path = file.toString().replace(/^file:\/\//, "") py.callClientCoro(userId, "import_keys", [path, passphrase]) } PasswordPopup { id: importPasswordPopup details.text: qsTr( "Please enter the passphrase that was used to protect this file:" ) okText: qsTr("Import") onAcceptedPasswordChanged: importKeys(file, acceptedPassword) property url file: "" function verifyPassword(pass, callback) { py.callCoro( "check_exported_keys_passphrase", [file.toString().replace(/^file:\/\//, ""), pass], callback ) } } }