// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later import QtQuick 2.12 import "../.." import ".." QtObject { signal deviceUpdateSignal(string forAccount) function onExitRequested(exitCode) { Qt.exit(exitCode) } function onAlertRequested(highImportance) { const msec = highImportance ? window.settings.alertOnMentionForMsec : window.settings.alertOnMessageForMsec if (Qt.application.state !== Qt.ApplicationActive && msec !== 0) { window.alert(msec === -1 ? 0 : msec) // -1 → 0 = no time out } } function onCoroutineDone(uuid, result, error, traceback) { const onSuccess = Globals.pendingCoroutines[uuid].onSuccess const onError = Globals.pendingCoroutines[uuid].onError delete Globals.pendingCoroutines[uuid] Globals.pendingCoroutinesChanged() if (error) { const type = py.getattr(py.getattr(error, "__class__"), "__name__") const args = py.getattr(error, "args") if (type === "CancelledError") return onError ? onError(type, args, error, traceback, uuid) : py.showError(type, traceback, "", uuid) return } if (onSuccess) onSuccess(result) } function onLoopException(message, error, traceback) { // No need to log these here, the asyncio exception handler does it const type = py.getattr(py.getattr(error, "__class__"), "__name__") py.showError(type, traceback, message) } function onModelItemSet(syncId, indexThen, indexNow, changedFields) { const model = ModelStore.get(syncId) if (indexThen === undefined) { // print("insert", syncId, indexThen, indexNow, // JSON.stringify(changedFields)) model.insert(indexNow, changedFields) model.idToItems[changedFields.id] = model.get(indexNow) model.idToItemsChanged() } else { // print("set", syncId, indexThen, indexNow, // JSON.stringify(changedFields)) model.set(indexThen, changedFields) if (indexThen !== indexNow) model.move(indexThen, indexNow, 1) model.fieldsChanged(indexNow, changedFields) } } function onModelItemDeleted(syncId, index, count=1, ids=[]) { // print("delete", syncId, index, count, ids) const model = ModelStore.get(syncId) model.remove(index, count) for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { delete model.idToItems[ids[i]] } if (ids.length) model.idToItemsChanged() } function onModelCleared(syncId) { // print("clear", syncId) ModelStore.get(syncId).clear() model.idToItems = {} } function onDevicesUpdated(forAccount) { deviceUpdateSignal(forAccount) } }