import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12 import "../../Base" import "../../utils.js" as Utils // TODO: hide roompane until room is loaded & expand if too small HBox { color: "transparent" Component.onCompleted: Utils.debug(this) // XXX HRoomAvatar { id: avatar displayName: chat.roomInfo.display_name mxc: chat.roomInfo.avatar_url // enabled: chat.roomInfo.can_set_avatar # put this in "change avatar" Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredHeight: width Layout.maximumWidth: 256 * theme.uiScale } HTextField { id: nameField placeholderText: qsTr("Room name") maximumLength: 255 text: chat.roomInfo.given_name enabled: chat.roomInfo.can_set_name Layout.fillWidth: true } HScrollableTextArea { id: topicField placeholderText: qsTr("Room topic") text: chat.roomInfo.plain_topic enabled: chat.roomInfo.can_set_topic Layout.fillWidth: true } HCheckBox { id: encryptCheckBox text: qsTr("Encrypt messages") subtitle.text: qsTr("Only you and those you trust will be able to read the " + "conversation") + `
` + ( chat.roomInfo.encrypted ? qsTr("Cannot be disabled") : qsTr("Cannot be disabled later!") ) + "" subtitle.textFormat: Text.StyledText checked: chat.roomInfo.encrypted enabled: chat.roomInfo.can_set_encryption && ! chat.roomInfo.encrypted Layout.fillWidth: true } HCheckBox { id: requireInviteCheckbox text: qsTr("Require being invited") subtitle.text: qsTr("Users will need an invite to join the room") checked: chat.roomInfo.invite_required enabled: chat.roomInfo.can_set_join_rules Layout.fillWidth: true } HCheckBox { text: qsTr("Forbid guests") subtitle.text: qsTr("Users without an account won't be able to join") checked: ! chat.roomInfo.guests_allowed enabled: chat.roomInfo.can_set_guest_access Layout.fillWidth: true } // HCheckBox { TODO // text: qsTr("Make this room visible in the public room directory") // checked: chat.roomInfo.published_in_directory // Layout.fillWidth: true // } }