# widgets: Make native file dialogs available to QML (must use QApplication) QT = quick quickcontrols2 widgets DEFINES += QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS CONFIG += warn_off c++11 release TEMPLATE = app BUILD_DIR = build MOC_DIR = $$BUILD_DIR/moc OBJECTS_DIR = $$BUILD_DIR/obj RCC_DIR = $$BUILD_DIR/rcc QRC_FILE = $$BUILD_DIR/resources.qrc RESOURCES += $$QRC_FILE HEADERS += src/utils.h src/clipboard.h \ submodules/RadialBarDemo/radialbar.h \ submodules/hsluv-c/src/hsluv.h SOURCES += src/main.cpp src/utils.cpp src/clipboard.cpp \ submodules/RadialBarDemo/radialbar.cpp \ submodules/hsluv-c/src/hsluv.c TARGET = mirage # Custom CONFIG options dev { CONFIG -= warn_off release CONFIG += debug qml_debug declarative_debug RESOURCES -= $$QRC_FILE warning(make install cannot be used with the dev CONFIG option.) } # Files to copy for `make install` !dev:unix { isEmpty(PREFIX) { PREFIX = /usr } executables.path = $$PREFIX/bin executables.files = $$TARGET shortcuts.path = $$PREFIX/share/applications shortcuts.files = extra/linux/mirage.desktop icons256.path = $$PREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps icons256.extra = mkdir -p $(INSTALL_ROOT)/$$PREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps && cp $$PWD/extra/linux/mirage.png $(INSTALL_ROOT)/$$PREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/$${TARGET}.png INSTALLS += icons256 INSTALLS += executables shortcuts icons256 } !dev:win32 { executables.path = "C:/Program Files" executables.files = $$TARGET INSTALLS += executables } # Libraries includes include(submodules/SortFilterProxyModel/SortFilterProxyModel.pri) # Custom functions defineReplace(glob_filenames) { for(pattern, ARGS) { results *= $$files(src/$${pattern}, true) } return($$results) } # Generate resource file RESOURCE_FILES *= $$glob_filenames(qmldir, *.qml, *.qpl, *.js, *.py) RESOURCE_FILES *= $$glob_filenames( *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.svg) file_content += '' file_content += '' file_content += '' file_content += '' for(file, RESOURCE_FILES) { file_content += ' ../$$file' } file_content += '' file_content += '' write_file($$QRC_FILE, file_content) # Add stuff to `make clean` # Allow cleaning folders instead of just files win32:QMAKE_DEL_FILE = rmdir /q /s !win32:QMAKE_DEL_FILE = rm -rf for(file, $$list($$glob_filenames(*.py))) { PYCACHE_DIRS *= $$dirname(file)/__pycache__ PYCACHE_DIRS *= $$dirname(file)/.mypy_cache } QMAKE_CLEAN *= $$MOC_DIR $$OBJECTS_DIR $$RCC_DIR $$PYCACHE_DIRS $$QRC_FILE QMAKE_CLEAN *= $$BUILD_DIR $$TARGET Makefile mirage.pro.user .qmake.stash QMAKE_CLEAN *= $$glob_filenames(*.pyc, *.qmlc, *.jsc, *.egg-info)