Add support for non-message room events
This commit is contained in:
@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ distdir: FORCE
clean: compiler_clean
-$(DEL_FILE) build/moc build/obj build/rcc src/python/__pycache__ src/python/events/__pycache__ build/resources.qrc build Makefile .qmake.stash src/python/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-36.pyc src/python/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc src/python/__pycache__/app.cpython-36.pyc src/python/__pycache__/backend.cpython-36.pyc src/python/__pycache__/html_filter.cpython-36.pyc src/python/__pycache__/matrix_client.cpython-36.pyc src/python/events/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc src/python/events/__pycache__/app.cpython-36.pyc src/python/events/__pycache__/event.cpython-36.pyc src/python/events/__pycache__/rooms.cpython-36.pyc src/python/events/__pycache__/rooms_timeline.cpython-36.pyc src/python/events/__pycache__/users.cpython-36.pyc
-$(DEL_FILE) build/moc build/obj build/rcc src/python/__pycache__ src/python/events/__pycache__ build/resources.qrc build Makefile .qmake.stash src/python/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-36.pyc src/python/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc src/python/__pycache__/app.cpython-36.pyc src/python/__pycache__/backend.cpython-36.pyc src/python/__pycache__/html_filter.cpython-36.pyc src/python/__pycache__/matrix_client.cpython-36.pyc src/python/events/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc src/python/events/__pycache__/app.cpython-36.pyc src/python/events/__pycache__/event.cpython-36.pyc src/python/events/__pycache__/rooms.cpython-36.pyc src/python/events/__pycache__/rooms_timeline.cpython-36.pyc src/python/events/__pycache__/timeline.cpython-36.pyc src/python/events/__pycache__/users.cpython-36.pyc
-$(DEL_FILE) *~ core *.core
@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Dict, Optional
from enum import auto
from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Type, Union
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from .event import Event
import nio
from .event import AutoStrEnum, Event
@ -38,3 +41,52 @@ class RoomMemberUpdated(Event):
class RoomMemberDeleted(Event):
room_id: str = field()
user_id: str = field()
# Timeline
class ContentType(AutoStrEnum):
html = auto()
image = auto()
audio = auto()
video = auto()
file = auto()
location = auto()
class TimelineEventReceived(Event):
event_type: Type[nio.Event] = field()
room_id: str = field()
event_id: str = field()
sender_id: str = field()
date: datetime = field()
content: str = field()
content_type: ContentType = ContentType.html
is_local_echo: bool = False
show_name_line: bool = False
translatable: Union[bool, Sequence[str]] = True
target_user_id: Optional[str] = None
def from_nio(cls, room: nio.rooms.MatrixRoom, ev: nio.Event, **fields
) -> "TimelineEventReceived":
return cls(
event_type = type(ev),
room_id = room.room_id,
event_id = ev.event_id,
sender_id = ev.sender,
date = datetime.fromtimestamp(ev.server_timestamp / 1000),
target_user_id = getattr(ev, "state_key", None),
class TimelineMessageReceived(TimelineEventReceived):
show_name_line: bool = True
translatable: Union[bool, Sequence[str]] = False
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
from datetime import datetime
from enum import auto
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from .event import AutoStrEnum, Event
class EventType(AutoStrEnum):
text = auto()
html = auto()
file = auto()
image = auto()
audio = auto()
video = auto()
location = auto()
notice = auto()
class TimelineEvent(Event):
type: EventType = field()
room_id: str = field()
event_id: str = field()
sender_id: str = field()
date: datetime = field()
is_local_echo: bool = field()
class HtmlMessageReceived(TimelineEvent):
content: str = field()
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
import asyncio
import html
import inspect
import json
import logging as log
import platform
from contextlib import suppress
from datetime import datetime
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Dict, Optional, Type
@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ from nio.rooms import MatrixRoom
from . import __about__
from .events import rooms, users
from .events.rooms_timeline import EventType, HtmlMessageReceived
from .events.rooms import TimelineEventReceived, TimelineMessageReceived
from .html_filter import HTML_FILTER
@ -162,17 +163,157 @@ class MatrixClient(nio.AsyncClient):
# Callbacks for nio events
async def onRoomMessageText(self, room: MatrixRoom, ev: nio.RoomMessageText
) -> None:
is_html = ev.format == "org.matrix.custom.html"
filter_ = HTML_FILTER.filter
# Special %tokens for event contents:
# %S = sender's displayname
# %T = target (ev.state_key)'s displayname
type = EventType.html if is_html else EventType.text,
room_id = room.room_id,
event_id = ev.event_id,
sender_id = ev.sender,
date = datetime.fromtimestamp(ev.server_timestamp / 1000),
is_local_echo = False,
content = filter_(ev.formatted_body) if is_html else ev.body,
async def onRoomMessageText(self, room, ev) -> None:
co = HTML_FILTER.filter(
if ev.format == "org.matrix.custom.html" else html.escape(ev.body)
TimelineMessageReceived.from_nio(room, ev, content=co)
async def onRoomCreateEvent(self, room, ev) -> None:
co = "%S allowed users on other matrix servers to join this room." \
if ev.federate else \
"%S blocked users on other matrix servers from joining this room."
TimelineEventReceived.from_nio(room, ev, content=co)
async def onRoomGuestAccessEvent(self, room, ev) -> None:
allowed = "allowed" if ev.guest_access else "forbad"
co = f"%S {allowed} guests to join the room."
TimelineEventReceived.from_nio(room, ev, content=co)
async def onRoomJoinRulesEvent(self, room, ev) -> None:
access = "public" if ev.join_rule == "public" else "invite-only"
co = f"%S made the room {access}."
TimelineEventReceived.from_nio(room, ev, content=co)
async def onRoomHistoryVisibilityEvent(self, room, ev) -> None:
if ev.history_visibility == "shared":
to = "all room members"
elif ev.history_visibility == "world_readable":
to = "any member or outsider"
elif ev.history_visibility == "joined":
to = "all room members, since the time they joined"
elif ev.history_visibility == "invited":
to = "all room members, since the time they were invited"
to = "???"
log.warning("Invalid visibility - %s",
json.dumps(ev.__dict__, indent=4))
co = f"%S made future room history visible to {to}."
TimelineEventReceived.from_nio(room, ev, content=co)
async def onPowerLevelsEvent(self, room, ev) -> None:
co = "%S changed the room's permissions." # TODO: improve
TimelineEventReceived.from_nio(room, ev, content=co)
async def _get_room_member_event_content(self, ev) -> str:
prev = ev.prev_content
prev_membership = prev["membership"] if prev else None
now = ev.content
membership = now["membership"]
if not prev or membership != prev_membership:
reason = f" Reason: {now['reason']}" if now.get("reason") else ""
if membership == "join":
did = "accepted" if prev and prev_membership == "invite" else \
return f"%S {did} their invitation."
if membership == "invite":
return f"%S invited %T to the room."
if membership == "leave":
if ev.state_key == ev.sender:
return (
f"%S declined their invitation.{reason}"
if prev and prev_membership == "invite" else
f"%S left the room.{reason}"
return (
f"%S withdrew %T's invitation.{reason}"
if prev and prev_membership == "invite" else
f"%S unbanned %T from the room.{reason}"
if prev and prev_membership == "ban" else
f"%S kicked out %T from the room.{reason}"
if membership == "ban":
return f"%S banned %T from the room.{reason}"
changed = []
if prev and now["avatar_url"] != prev["avatar_url"]:
changed.append("profile picture") # TODO: <img>s
if prev and now["displayname"] != prev["displayname"]:
changed.append('display name from "{}" to "{}"'.format(
prev["displayname"] or ev.state_key,
now["displayname"] or ev.state_key,
if changed:
return "%S changed their {}.".format(" and ".join(changed))
log.warning("Invalid member event - %s",
json.dumps(ev.__dict__, indent=4))
return "%S ???"
async def onRoomMemberEvent(self, room, ev) -> None:
co = await self._get_room_member_event_content(ev)
TimelineEventReceived.from_nio(room, ev, content=co)
async def onRoomAliasEvent(self, room, ev) -> None:
co = f"%S set the room's main address to {ev.canonical_alias}."
TimelineEventReceived.from_nio(room, ev, content=co)
async def onRoomNameEvent(self, room, ev) -> None:
co = f"%S changed the room's name to \"{}\"."
TimelineEventReceived.from_nio(room, ev, content=co)
async def onRoomTopicEvent(self, room, ev) -> None:
co = f"%S changed the room's topic to \"{ev.topic}\"."
TimelineEventReceived.from_nio(room, ev, content=co)
async def onRoomEncryptionEvent(self, room, ev) -> None:
co = f"%S turned on encryption for this room."
TimelineEventReceived.from_nio(room, ev, content=co)
async def onOlmEvent(self, room, ev) -> None:
co = f"%S hasn't sent your device the keys to decrypt this message."
TimelineEventReceived.from_nio(room, ev, content=co)
async def onMegolmEvent(self, room, ev) -> None:
await self.onOlmEvent(room, ev)
async def onBadEvent(self, room, ev) -> None:
co = f"%S sent a malformed event."
TimelineEventReceived.from_nio(room, ev, content=co)
async def onUnknownBadEvent(self, room, ev) -> None:
co = f"%S sent an event this client doesn't understand."
TimelineEventReceived.from_nio(room, ev, content=co)
@ -55,27 +55,27 @@ HColumnLayout {
Layout.fillHeight: true
TypingMembersBar {}
//TypingMembersBar {}
InviteBanner {
visible: category === "Invites"
inviter: roomInfo.inviter
// InviteBanner {
//visible: category === "Invites"
//inviter: roomInfo.inviter
UnknownDevicesBanner {
visible: category == "Rooms" && hasUnknownDevices
//UnknownDevicesBanner {
//visible: category == "Rooms" && hasUnknownDevices
SendBox {
id: sendBox
visible: category == "Rooms" && ! hasUnknownDevices
LeftBanner {
visible: category === "Left"
leftEvent: roomInfo.leftEvent
//LeftBanner {
//visible: category === "Left"
//leftEvent: roomInfo.leftEvent
// RoomSidePane {
//id: roomSidePane
@ -144,5 +144,6 @@ HColumnLayout {
//Layout.minimumWidth: HStyle.avatar.size
//Layout.maximumWidth: parent.width
@ -7,11 +7,18 @@ Row {
spacing: standardSpacing / 2
layoutDirection: isOwn ? Qt.RightToLeft : Qt.LeftToRight
function textHueForName(name) { // TODO: move
return Qt.hsla(avatar.hueFromName(name),
HAvatar {
id: avatar
hidden: combine
name: senderInfo.displayName || stripUserId(model.senderId)
dimension: 48
dimension: model.showNameLine ? 48 : 28
Rectangle {
@ -33,16 +40,13 @@ Row {
anchors.fill: parent
HLabel {
height: combine ? 0 : implicitHeight
width: parent.width
height: model.showNameLine && ! combine ? implicitHeight : 0
visible: height > 0
id: nameLabel
text: senderInfo.displayName || model.senderId
color: Qt.hsla(avatar.hueFromName(,
color: textHueForName(
elide: Text.ElideRight
maximumLineCount: 1
horizontalAlignment: isOwn ? Text.AlignRight : Text.AlignLeft
@ -53,10 +57,49 @@ Row {
HRichLabel {
function escapeHtml(text) { // TODO: move this
return text.replace("&", "&")
.replace("<", "<")
.replace(">", ">")
.replace('"', """)
.replace("'", "'")
function translate(text) {
if (model.translatable == false) { return text }
text = text.replace(
"<font color='" + nameLabel.color + "'>" +
escapeHtml(senderInfo.displayName || model.senderId) +
var name = models.users.getUser(
chatPage.userId, model.targetUserId
var sid = avatar.stripUserId(model.targetUserId || "")
text = text.replace(
"<font color='" + textHueForName(name || sid) + "'>" +
escapeHtml(name || model.targetUserId) +
text = qsTr(text)
if (model.translatable == true) { return text }
// Else, model.translatable should be an array of args
for (var i = 0; model.translatable.length; i++) {
text = text.arg(model.translatable[i])
width: parent.width
id: contentLabel
text: model.content +
text: translate(model.content) +
" <font size=" + HStyle.fontSize.small +
"px color=" + + ">" +
Qt.formatDateTime(, "hh:mm:ss") +
@ -64,8 +107,6 @@ Row {
(model.isLocalEcho ?
" <font size=" + HStyle.fontSize.small +
"px>⏳</font>" : "")
textFormat: model.type == "text" ?
Text.PlainText : Text.RichText
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
@ -14,10 +14,6 @@ Column {
roomEventListView.model.get(index + 1) : null
function getIsMessage(type) {
return true
property var previousItem: getPreviousItem()
signal reloadPreviousItem()
onReloadPreviousItem: previousItem = getPreviousItem()
@ -26,18 +22,14 @@ Column {
senderInfo = models.users.getUser(chatPage.userId, senderId)
//readonly property bool isMessage: ! model.type.match(/^event.*/)
readonly property bool isMessage: getIsMessage(model.type)
readonly property bool isOwn: chatPage.userId === senderId
readonly property bool isFirstEvent: model.type == "eventCreate"
readonly property bool isFirstEvent: model.event_type == "RoomCreateEvent"
readonly property bool combine:
previousItem &&
! talkBreak &&
! dayBreak &&
getIsMessage(previousItem.type) === isMessage &&
previousItem.senderId === senderId &&
minsBetween(, <= 5
@ -75,14 +67,13 @@ Column {
width: roomEventDelegate.width
Item {
Item { // TODO: put this in Daybreak.qml?
visible: dayBreak
width: parent.width
height: topPadding
Loader {
source: isMessage ? "MessageContent.qml" : "EventContent.qml"
MessageContent {
anchors.right: isOwn ? parent.right : undefined
@ -1,154 +1,3 @@
function getEventText(type, dict) {
switch (type) {
case "RoomCreateEvent":
return (dict.federate ? "allowed" : "blocked") +
" users on other matrix servers " +
(dict.federate ? "to join" : "from joining") +
" this room."
case "RoomGuestAccessEvent":
return (dict.guest_access === "can_join" ? "allowed " : "forbad") +
"guests to join the room."
case "RoomJoinRulesEvent":
return "made the room " +
(dict.join_rule === "public." ? "public" : "invite only.")
case "RoomHistoryVisibilityEvent":
return getHistoryVisibilityEventText(dict)
case "PowerLevelsEvent":
return "changed the room's permissions."
case "RoomMemberEvent":
return getMemberEventText(dict)
case "RoomAliasEvent":
return "set the room's main address to " +
dict.canonical_alias + "."
case "RoomNameEvent":
return "changed the room's name to \"" + + "\"."
case "RoomTopicEvent":
return "changed the room's topic to \"" + dict.topic + "\"."
case "RoomEncryptionEvent":
return "turned on encryption for this room."
case "OlmEvent":
case "MegolmEvent":
return "hasn't sent your device the keys to decrypt this message."
console.log(type + "\n" + JSON.stringify(dict, null, 4) + "\n")
return "did something this client does not understand."
//case "CallEvent": TODO
function getHistoryVisibilityEventText(dict) {
switch (dict.history_visibility) {
case "shared":
var end = "all room members."
case "world_readable":
var end = "any member or outsider."
case "joined":
var end = "all room members, since the point they joined."
case "invited":
var end = "all room members, since the point they were invited."
return "made future history visible to " + end
function getStateDisplayName(dict) {
// The dict.content.displayname may be outdated, prefer
// retrieving it fresh
return Backend.users.get(dict.state_key).displayName.value
function getMemberEventText(dict) {
var info = dict.content, prev = dict.prev_content
if (! prev || (info.membership != prev.membership)) {
var reason = info.reason ? (" Reason: " + info.reason) : ""
switch (info.membership) {
case "join":
return prev && prev.membership === "invite" ?
"accepted the invitation." : "joined the room."
case "invite":
return "invited " + getStateDisplayName(dict) + " to the room."
case "leave":
if (dict.state_key === dict.sender) {
return (prev && prev.membership === "invite" ?
"declined the invitation." : "left the room.") +
var name = getStateDisplayName(dict)
return (prev && prev.membership === "invite" ?
"withdrew " + name + "'s invitation." :
prev && prev.membership == "ban" ?
"unbanned " + name + " from the room." :
"kicked out " + name + " from the room.") +
case "ban":
var name = getStateDisplayName(dict)
return "banned " + name + " from the room." + reason
var changed = []
if (prev && (info.avatar_url != prev.avatar_url)) {
changed.push("profile picture")
if (prev && (info.displayname != prev.displayname)) {
changed.push("display name from \"" +
(prev.displayname || dict.state_key) + '" to "' +
(info.displayname || dict.state_key) + '"')
if (changed.length > 0) {
return "changed their " + changed.join(" and ") + "."
return ""
function getLeftBannerText(leftEvent) {
if (! leftEvent) {
return "You are not member of this room."
@ -2,4 +2,3 @@
@ -59,3 +59,25 @@ function onRoomMemberUpdated(room_id, user_id, typing) {
function onRoomMemberDeleted(room_id, user_id) {
function onTimelineEventReceived(
event_type, room_id, event_id, sender_id, date, content,
content_type, is_local_echo, show_name_line, translatable, target_user_id
) {
models.timelines.upsert({"eventId": event_id}, {
"eventType": py.getattr(event_type, "__name__"),
"roomId": room_id,
"eventId": event_id,
"senderId": sender_id,
"date": date,
"content": content,
"contentType": content,
"isLocalEcho": is_local_echo,
"showNameLine": show_name_line,
"translatable": translatable,
"targetUserId": target_user_id
}, true, 1000)
var onTimelineMessageReceived = onTimelineEventReceived
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
function onHtmlMessageReceived(type, room_id, event_id, sender_id, date,
is_local_echo, content) {
models.timelines.upsert({"eventId": event_id}, {
"type": type,
"roomId": room_id,
"eventId": event_id,
"senderId": sender_id,
"date": date,
"isLocalEcho": is_local_echo,
"content": content,
}, true, 1000)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user