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+# Configuration
+[Folders](#folders) ⬥
+[settings.py](#settingspy) ⬥
+## Folders
+On Linux, the folders are:
+- `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mirage` or `~/.config/mirage` for config files
+- `$XDG_DATA_HOME/mirage` or `~/.local/share/mirage` for user data
+- `$XDG_CACHE_HOME/mirage` or `~/.cache/mirage` for cache data
+For Flatpak installations, the folders are:
+- `~/.var/app/io.github.mirukana.mirage/config/mirage` for config files
+- `~/.var/app/io.github.mirukana.mirage/data/mirage` for user data
+- `~/.var/app/io.github.mirukana.mirage/cache/mirage` for cache data
+The folder locations can also be overriden by these environment variables:
+- `$MIRAGE_CONFIG_DIR` for config files
+- `$MIRAGE_DATA_DIR` for user data
+- `$MIRAGE_CACHE_DIR` for cache data
+The user data folder contains saved encryption data, interface states and
+The cache data folder contains downloaded files and thumbnails.
+## settings.py
+A file written in the [PCN format](PCN.md), located in the
+[config folder](#folders), which is manually created by the user to configure
+the application's behavior.
+The default `settings.py`, used when no user-written file exists, documents all
+the possible options and can be found at:
+- [`src/config/settings.py`][1] in the repository
+- `/usr/share/examples/mirage/settings.py` on Linux installations
+- `~/.local/share/flatpak/app/io.github.mirukana.mirage/current/active/files/share/examples/mirage/settings.py` for per-user Flatpak installations
+- `/var/lib/flatpak/app/io.github.mirukana.mirage/current/active/files/share/examples/mirage/settings.py` for system-wide Flatpak installations
+Rather than copying the entire default file, it is recommended to
+[`include`](PCN.md#including-built-in-files) it and only add the settings
+you want to override.
+For example, a user settings file that only changes the theme and some keybinds
+could look like this:
+class General:
+ theme: str = "Glass.qpl"
+class Keys:
+ reset_zoom = ["Ctrl+Backspace"]
+ class Messages:
+ open_links_files = ["Ctrl+Shift+O"]
+ open_links_files_externally = ["Ctrl+O"]
+When this file is saved while the application is running, the settings will
+automatically be reloaded, except for some options which require a restart.
+The default `settings.py` indicates which options require a restart.
+[1]: https://github.com/mirukana/mirage/tree/master/src/config/settings.py
+## accounts.json
+This JSON file, located in the [config folder](#folders), is managed by the
+interface and doesn't need to be manually edited, except for changing account
+positions via their `order` key.
+The `order` key can be any number. If multiple accounts have the same `order`,
+they are sorted lexically by user ID.
+This file should never be shared, as anyone obtaining your access tokens will
+be able to use your accounts.
+Within the application, from the Sessions tab of your account's settings,
+access tokens can be revoked by signing out sessions,
+provided you have the account's password.
+Example file:
+ "@user_id:example.org": {
+ "device_id": "ABCDEFGHIJ",
+ "enabled": true,
+ "homeserver": "https://example.org",
+ "order": 0,
+ "presence": "online",
+ "status_msg": "",
+ "token": ""
+ },
+ "@account_2:example.org": {
+ "device_id": "KLMNOPQRST",
+ "enabled": true,
+ "homeserver": "https://example.org",
+ "order": 1,
+ "presence": "invisible",
+ "status_msg": "",
+ "token": ""
+ }
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+# PCN File Format
+Config and theme files are written in the PCN (Python Config Notation) format,
+which are organized in a hierarchy of sections and properties.
+PCN files can also contain usual Python code, such as imports and
+custom functions.
+- [Overview](#overview)
+- [Sections](#sections)
+ - [Including Built-in Files](#including-built-in-files)
+ - [Including User Files](#including-user-files)
+ - [Inheritance](#inheritance)
+- [Properties](#properties)
+ - [Common Types](#common-types)
+ - [Expressions](#expressions)
+ - [Section Access](#section-access)
+ - [Bracket Access](#bracket-access)
+- [GUI files](#gui-files)
+## Overview
+# Lines starting with a "#" are considered comments.
+# Comments can also be added to the end of normal lines.
+# Sections can contain indented properties, other sections or functions.
+class Example:
+ # Properties are written as "name: type = value", examples:
+ integer_number: int = 5
+ decimal_number: float = 2.5
+ character_string: str = "Sample text"
+ boolean: bool = True # or False
+ string_list: List[str] = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
+ # Property values can be any Python expression, e.g. math operations:
+ other_number: int = (5 * 4) / 2
+ # "self" points to the current section, Example, containing other_number.
+ above_10: bool = self.other_number > 10 # result: False
+ class Names:
+ # Property names with characters outside of a-z A-Z 0-9 _ need quoting:
+ "@alice:example.org": str = "Alice"
+ "@bob:example.org": str = "Bob"
+ # Section content can also be accessed with the "self[name]" syntax,
+ # which works with quoted properties like the ones above:
+ alice_name: str = self["@alice:example.org"] # result: Alice
+ # Child sections are also accessible from "self":
+ child_integer: int = self.Test.integer # result: 5
+ class Test:
+ # "parent" refers to the section parent of this one, here "Names".
+ alice_name: str = parent["@alice:example.org"] # result: "Alice"
+ integer: int = parent.parent.integer_number # Example.integer_number, which is 5
+ # Top-level sections can also be accessed directly by names:
+ alice_name_2: str = Example.Names["@alice:example.org"]
+ integer_2: int = Example.integer_number
+## Sections
+Sections are defined like Python classes, and can contain properties,
+other sections, or Python functions.
+A section's name should be written as `CamelCase`, and can only contain
+letters, digits and underscores.
+The content of a section must be indented by that section's indentation plus
+four spaces:
+class FirstSection:
+ content_spaces: int = 0 + 4
+ class SectionInsideFirst:
+ content_spaces: int = 4 + 4
+class SecondSection:
+ content_spaces: int = 0 + 4
+Empty sections can be created using the `pass` keyword:
+class Empty:
+ pass
+### Including Built-in Files
+A section, including the file's root (which is treated as a section)
+can include files that are supplied by the application using the
+`self.include_builtin(path)` function.
+`path` is the relative path to a file in the application's source folder,
+for example `self.include_builtin("config/settings.py")` refers to
+The sections and properties from the included file will be recursively merged,
+see [Including User Files](#including-user-files) for an example.
+[1]: https://github.com/mirukana/mirage/tree/master/src/config/settings.py
+### Including User Files
+Similar to [including built-in files](#including-built-in-files), user-written
+local files can be included with `self.include_file(path)`, where `path`
+is an absolute or relative (from the current file's directory) file path.
+Example with two files, `a.py`:
+class Shared:
+ text: str = "Sample"
+ gets_overriden: str = "A"
+ class FromA:
+ number: int = 1
+and `b.py`:
+class Shared:
+ gets_overriden: str = "B"
+ class FromB:
+ number: int = 2
+This results in a merged PCN looking like so:
+class Shared:
+ text: str = "Sample"
+ gets_overriden: str = "B"
+ class FromA:
+ number: int = 1
+ class FromB:
+ number: int = 2
+Include functions can also be used inside a section other than the root.
+If `a.py` had the include line inside `Shared`, the result would be:
+class Shared:
+ text: str = "Sample"
+ gets_overriden: str = "A"
+ class FromA:
+ number: int = 1
+ class Shared:
+ gets_overriden: str = "B"
+ class FromB:
+ number: int = 2
+### Inheritance
+Like other Python classes, sections can inherit from other sections.
+Unlike including files, sections are not merged recursively.
+This file:
+class Mixin:
+ first: bool = True
+ second: bool = False
+class First(Mixin):
+ pass
+class Second(Mixin):
+ third: int = 100
+Would be equivalent to:
+class First(Mixin):
+ first: bool = True
+ second: bool = False
+class Second(Mixin):
+ first: bool = True
+ second: bool = False
+ third: int = 100
+## Properties
+Properties have a name, optional type annotation and value.
+Standard property names should be written in `snake_case`.
+In most cases, it is recommended to include type annotations, to make clear
+what a property's value should be:
+ with_type: int = 3
+ complex_type: Dict[str, int] = {"abc": 1, "def": 2, "ghi": 3}
+ any_type: Any = None
+ same_as_above = None
+If the property's name starts with a digit or contains characters other than
+letters, digits or underscores, that name must be quoted:
+"!alice:example.org" = "Alice"
+Properties with these names can only be accessed by the
+[brackets syntax](#bracket-access).
+### Common types
+- `int`: An integer number, e.g. `4`.
+- `float`: Floating point number, e.g. `4.5`. Can also be an integer.
+- `str`: String, a piece of text.
+ If the text contains quotes or backslashes, escape them with a backslash.
+ Other properties can be included by combining strings or using an f-string:
+ ```python3
+ escaped: str = "C:\\Users\\Alice \"Foo\" Bar"
+ number: int = 1
+ combined: str = "foo " + self.number
+ fstring: str = f"foo {number}"
+ ```
+- `bool`: Boolean, a value that can be either `True` or `False`.
+- `None`: A `None` value, represents an absence of choice.
+- `Any`: A value that can be of any type.
+- `list`: List of values, e.g. `[1, 2, 3]`.
+ The type can be written as `list` or `List[type]` to specify what type the
+ list's item should be.
+- `tuple`: Similar to lists, but the length cannot be changed once created.
+ Can be written as `tuple`, `Tuple[type, type]` to specify for example that
+ the tuple must have two items of certain types, or `Tuple[type, ...]`
+ for a tuple with any number of items of a certain same type:
+ ```python3
+ anything: tuple = (1, 2, 3, "foo")
+ many_ints: Tuple[int, ...] = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
+ three_values: Tuple[int, str, bool] = (1, "example", False)
+ ```
+- `dict`: Mapping of keys to values. Can be written as `dict` or
+ `Dict[key_type, value_type]`:
+ ```python3
+ anything: dict = {1: 2, "foo": "bar", True: 1.5}
+ account_order: Dict[str, int] = {"@a:example.com": 1, "@b:example.com": 2}
+ ```
+- `Optional[type]`: A value that can be either that type or `None`
+- `Union[type1, type2]`: A value that can be one of the type in the `Union`.
+ The number of types can be more than two.
+### Expressions
+A property's value can be any Python expression. Properties can also
+refer to other properties, no matter what section they belong to or what
+order they are defined in.
+This PCN code:
+class Section1:
+ other: int = self.text.lower() * 2 # "exampleexample"
+ text: str = "Example"
+Is roughly equivalent to this in standard Python:
+class Section1:
+ @property
+ def other(self) -> str:
+ return self.text.lower() * 2
+ @property
+ def text(self) -> str:
+ return "Example"
+### Section Access
+The current section and its properties are accessed via `self`:
+class Base:
+ number: int = 10
+ other: int = self.number * 2 # 20
+The parent section is accessed via `parent`:
+class Base:
+ number: int = 10
+ class Inner:
+ number: int = parent.number * 2
+Child sections can be accessed by `self.SectionName`:
+class Base:
+ number: int = self.Inner.number
+ class Inner:
+ number: int = 10
+Any section (or property, or function) defined at the root/top-level of the
+file can be accessed by name:
+class First:
+ class InsideFirst:
+ number: int = Second.number * 2 # 20
+ other: int = Second.InsideSecond.number # 50
+class Second:
+ number: int = 10
+ class InsideSecond:
+ number: int = 50
+The root (which behaves like a section) can also be explicitely accessed
+with `self.root`:
+number: int = 10
+class First:
+ root_num: int = self.root.number # Same as just saying "number"
+class Second:
+ first_num: int = self.root.First.root_num # Same as "First.root_num"
+### Bracket Access
+Inner sections and properties can also be accessed by the
+`section[name]` syntax. This is the only way to access properties with
+non-standard names (as described in [Properties](#properties)):
+class Names:
+ "!alice:example.org": str = "alice"
+ class Capitalized:
+ alice: str = parent["!alice:example.org"].capitalize() # "Alice"
+The syntax can also be used to access properties dynamically:
+class Names:
+ alice: str = "Alice"
+ property_name: str = "alice"
+ first_person: str = self[property_name]
+Top-level properties can only be accessed this way using `self.root`:
+"!alice:example.org": str = "Alice"
+class Names:
+ alice: str = self.root["!alice:example.org"] = "Alice"
+# GUI Files
+When properties for PCN files are edited from the user interface
+(programmatically or due to user actions), a separate file with a `.gui.json`
+extension is created in the same folder.
+These files take priority and override properties from the equivalent user
+files. They should not be edited by hand.
+When a property in the user config file is edited, any equivalent property
+in the GUI file is automatically dropped,
+to let the user's setting apply again.