Improve message delegate code, fix multiple issues
- Fix the ListView not auto-scrolling like it should when message delegates changed height, such as when images were loaded - Fix messed up delegate positions overlapping each others when movements happen - Fix previous/nextItem binding broken due to imperative modification - Fix "messageBodyWidth" binding loop
This commit is contained in:
@ -49,18 +49,15 @@
## Issues
- Room pane slightly overlaps chat at small width
- invisible uploaded mxc images?
- first undecryptable message
- Join button 502
- Leave box button focus
- two upload delegates height bug
- Pausing uploads doesn't work well, servers end up dropping the connection
- Pause upload, switch to other room, then come back, wrong state displayed
- Messed up message delegates position
- Event delegates changing height don't scroll the list
- In the "Leave me" room, "join > Hi > left" aren't combined
- When selecting text and scrolling up, selection stops working after a while
- Ensure all the text that should be copied is copied
@ -18,17 +18,16 @@ HRowLayout {
leftPadding: theme.spacing
rightPadding: leftPadding
Layout.margins: theme.spacing
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
parent.width - Layout.leftMargin - Layout.rightMargin
opacity: width > Layout.leftMargin + Layout.rightMargin ? 1 : 0
opacity: width > 16 * theme.uiScale ? 1 : 0
background: Rectangle {
id: noticeLabelBackground
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
Layout.preferredWidth: implicitWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: parent.width
@ -27,16 +27,15 @@ HRowLayout {
readonly property string hoveredLink: contentLabel.hoveredLink
readonly property bool hoveredSelectable: contentHover.hovered
readonly property int messageBodyWidth:
width - (avatarWrapper.visible ? avatarWrapper.width : 0) -
spacing * Math.max(0, (visibleChildren.length - 1))
readonly property int xOffset:
onRight ?
contentLabel.width - contentLabel.paintedWidth -
contentLabel.leftPadding - contentLabel.rightPadding :
// 600px max with a 16px font
readonly property int maxMessageWidth: theme.fontSize.normal * 0.5 * 75
TapHandler {
enabled: debugMode
@ -116,11 +115,8 @@ HRowLayout {
transform: Translate { x: xOffset }
Layout.maximumWidth: Math.min(
// 600px with 16px font
theme.fontSize.normal * 0.5 * 75,
messageBodyWidth - leftPadding - rightPadding,
Layout.maximumWidth: eventContent.maxMessageWidth
Layout.fillWidth: true
function selectAllText() {
// Select the message body without the date or name
@ -162,10 +158,10 @@ HRowLayout {
HRepeater {
id: linksRepeater
model: eventDelegate.currentItem.links
model: eventDelegate.currentModel.links
EventMediaLoader {
singleMediaInfo: eventDelegate.currentItem
singleMediaInfo: eventDelegate.currentModel
mediaUrl: modelData
showSender: pureMedia ? senderText : ""
showDate: pureMedia ? timeText : ""
@ -3,15 +3,9 @@ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import "../../Base"
import "../../utils.js" as Utils
Column {
HColumnLayout {
id: eventDelegate
width: eventList.width
model.event_type === "RoomCreateEvent" ? 0 :
dayBreak ? theme.spacing * 4 :
talkBreak ? theme.spacing * 6 :
combine ? theme.spacing / 2 :
theme.spacing * 2
enum Media { Page, File, Image, Video, Audio }
@ -19,23 +13,18 @@ Column {
property var hoveredMediaTypeUrl: []
// Remember timeline goes from newest message at index 0 to oldest
property var previousItem: eventList.model.get(model.index + 1)
property var nextItem: eventList.model.get(model.index - 1)
readonly property QtObject currentItem: model
property int modelIndex: model.index
onModelIndexChanged: {
previousItem = eventList.model.get(model.index + 1)
nextItem = eventList.model.get(model.index - 1)
readonly property var previousModel: eventList.model.get(model.index + 1)
readonly property var nextModel: eventList.model.get(model.index - 1)
readonly property QtObject currentModel: model
property bool isOwn: chat.userId === model.sender_id
property bool onRight: eventList.ownEventsOnRight && isOwn
property bool combine: eventList.canCombine(previousItem, model)
property bool talkBreak: eventList.canTalkBreak(previousItem, model)
property bool dayBreak: eventList.canDayBreak(previousItem, model)
property bool combine: eventList.canCombine(previousModel, model)
property bool talkBreak: eventList.canTalkBreak(previousModel, model)
property bool dayBreak: eventList.canDayBreak(previousModel, model)
readonly property bool smallAvatar:
eventList.canCombine(model, nextItem) &&
eventList.canCombine(model, nextModel) &&
(model.event_type === "RoomMessageEmote" ||
! (model.event_type.startsWith("RoomMessage") ||
@ -60,6 +49,12 @@ Column {
readonly property int separationSpacing:
dayBreak ? theme.spacing * 4 :
talkBreak ? theme.spacing * 6 :
combine ? theme.spacing / 2 :
theme.spacing * 2
// Needed because of eventList's MouseArea which steals the
// HSelectableLabel's MouseArea hover events
onCursorShapeChanged: eventList.cursorShape = cursorShape
@ -87,20 +82,31 @@ Column {
Item {
Layout.fillWidth: true
model.event_type === "RoomCreateEvent" ? 0 : separationSpacing
Daybreak {
visible: dayBreak
width: eventDelegate.width
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.minimumWidth: parent.width
Item {
visible: dayBreak
width: parent.width
height: topPadding
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: separationSpacing
EventContent {
id: eventContent
width: parent.width
Layout.fillWidth: true
Behavior on x { HNumberAnimation {} }
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ import "../../utils.js" as Utils
HTile {
id: file
width: Math.max(
Math.min(eventContent.messageBodyWidth, implicitWidth),
width: Math.min(
Math.max(, implicitWidth),
height: Math.max(, implicitHeight)
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ HMxcImage {
// Maximum display size
eventList.height * maxHeight,
eventContent.messageBodyWidth * Math.min(1, theme.uiScale),
eventContent.maxMessageWidth * Math.min(1, theme.uiScale), // XXX
eventList.height * maxHeight,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user