2019-04-12 18:33:09 +10:00
# Copyright 2019 miruka
# This file is part of harmonyqml, licensed under GPLv3.
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
2019-04-15 04:49:26 +10:00
from threading import Lock
2019-05-03 04:20:21 +10:00
from typing import Any, Deque, Dict, List, Optional
2019-04-13 22:59:10 +10:00
2019-05-07 04:06:28 +10:00
from PyQt5.QtCore import QDateTime, QObject, pyqtBoundSignal, pyqtSignal
2019-04-12 18:33:09 +10:00
2019-04-19 03:46:39 +10:00
import nio
2019-04-21 20:56:59 +10:00
from nio.rooms import MatrixRoom
2019-04-19 03:46:39 +10:00
2019-04-12 18:33:09 +10:00
from .backend import Backend
from .client import Client
2019-05-10 03:58:46 +10:00
from .model.items import (
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
Account, Device, ListModel, Room, RoomCategory, RoomEvent, User
2019-05-10 03:58:46 +10:00
2019-05-07 03:07:00 +10:00
from .model.sort_filter_proxy import SortFilterProxy
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
from .pyqt_future import futurize
2019-04-12 18:33:09 +10:00
2019-04-22 05:20:20 +10:00
Inviter = Optional[Dict[str, str]]
LeftEvent = Optional[Dict[str, str]]
2019-04-22 01:15:03 +10:00
2019-04-12 18:33:09 +10:00
class SignalManager(QObject):
2019-05-07 04:06:28 +10:00
roomCategoryChanged = pyqtSignal(str, str, str, str)
2019-04-22 10:55:24 +10:00
_lock: Lock = Lock()
2019-04-15 04:49:26 +10:00
2019-04-12 18:33:09 +10:00
def __init__(self, backend: Backend) -> None:
2019-04-15 02:56:30 +10:00
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
self.pool: ThreadPoolExecutor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=6)
2019-04-12 18:33:09 +10:00
self.backend = backend
2019-04-22 05:20:20 +10:00
self.last_room_events: Deque[str] = Deque(maxlen=1000)
self._events_in_transfer: int = 0
2019-04-15 04:49:26 +10:00
2019-05-03 04:54:37 +10:00
2019-04-12 18:33:09 +10:00
def onClientAdded(self, client: Client) -> None:
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
if client.userId in self.backend.accounts:
# An user might already exist in the model, e.g. if another account
# was in a room with the account that we just connected to
where_main_key_is = client.userId,
update_with = User(
userId = client.userId,
displayName = self.backend.users[client.userId].displayName,
# Devices are added later, we might need to upload keys before
# but we want to show the accounts ASAP in the client side pane
devices = ListModel(),
# Backend.accounts
2019-05-07 03:07:00 +10:00
room_categories_kwargs: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [
{"name": "Invites", "rooms": ListModel()},
{"name": "Rooms", "rooms": ListModel()},
{"name": "Left", "rooms": ListModel()},
for i, _ in enumerate(room_categories_kwargs):
proxy = SortFilterProxy(
source_model = room_categories_kwargs[i]["rooms"],
sort_by_role = "lastEventDateTime",
ascending = False,
room_categories_kwargs[i]["sortedRooms"] = proxy
2019-05-03 04:31:47 +10:00
2019-05-03 04:20:21 +10:00
userId = client.userId,
roomCategories = ListModel([
2019-05-07 03:07:00 +10:00
RoomCategory(**kws) for kws in room_categories_kwargs
2019-05-03 04:20:21 +10:00
2019-04-12 18:33:09 +10:00
2019-05-10 03:58:46 +10:00
# Upload our E2E keys to the matrix server if needed
if not client.nio.olm_account_shared:
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
# Add all devices nio knows for this account
2019-05-10 03:58:46 +10:00
store = client.nio.device_store
for user_id in store.users:
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
user = self.backend.users.get(user_id, None)
if not user:
User(userId=user_id, devices=ListModel())
for device in store.active_user_devices(user_id):
where_main_key_is = device.id,
update_with = Device(
deviceId = device.id,
ed25519Key = device.ed25519,
trust = client.getDeviceTrust(device),
2019-05-10 03:58:46 +10:00
# Finally, connect all client signals
2019-04-12 18:33:09 +10:00
def onClientDeleted(self, user_id: str) -> None:
2019-05-03 04:31:47 +10:00
del self.backend.accounts[user_id]
2019-04-13 03:18:46 +10:00
def connectClient(self, client: Client) -> None:
2019-04-15 02:56:30 +10:00
for name in dir(client):
attr = getattr(client, name)
if isinstance(attr, pyqtBoundSignal):
def onSignal(*args, name=name) -> None:
func = getattr(self, f"on{name[0].upper()}{name[1:]}")
func(client, *args)
2019-04-13 03:18:46 +10:00
2019-05-03 04:20:21 +10:00
def _get_room_displayname(nio_room: MatrixRoom) -> Optional[str]:
name = nio_room.name or nio_room.canonical_alias
if name:
return name
name = nio_room.group_name()
return None if name == "Empty room?" else name
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
def _add_users_from_nio_room(self, room: nio.rooms.MatrixRoom) -> None:
for user in room.users.values():
def get_displayname(self, user) -> str:
# pylint:disable=unused-argument
return user.display_name
where_main_key_is = user.user_id,
update_with = User(
userId = user.user_id,
displayName = get_displayname(self, user),
devices = ListModel()
ignore_roles = ("devices",),
2019-04-22 01:15:03 +10:00
def onRoomInvited(self,
client: Client,
room_id: str,
inviter: Inviter = None) -> None:
2019-04-22 05:20:20 +10:00
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
nio_room = client.nio.invited_rooms[room_id]
2019-05-03 04:31:47 +10:00
categories = self.backend.accounts[client.userId].roomCategories
2019-05-03 04:20:21 +10:00
2019-05-07 04:06:28 +10:00
previous_room = categories["Rooms"].rooms.pop(room_id, None)
previous_left = categories["Left"].rooms.pop(room_id, None)
2019-05-03 04:20:21 +10:00
2019-05-07 03:07:00 +10:00
where_main_key_is = room_id,
update_with = Room(
roomId = room_id,
displayName = self._get_room_displayname(nio_room),
topic = nio_room.topic,
inviter = inviter,
lastEventDateTime = QDateTime.currentDateTime(), # FIXME
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
members = list(nio_room.users.keys()),
2019-05-07 03:07:00 +10:00
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
ignore_roles = ("typingMembers"),
2019-05-07 03:07:00 +10:00
2019-04-13 03:18:46 +10:00
2019-05-07 04:06:28 +10:00
signal = self.roomCategoryChanged
if previous_room:
signal.emit(client.userId, room_id, "Rooms", "Invites")
elif previous_left:
signal.emit(client.userId, room_id, "Left", "Invites")
2019-04-13 03:18:46 +10:00
def onRoomJoined(self, client: Client, room_id: str) -> None:
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
nio_room = client.nio.rooms[room_id]
2019-05-03 04:31:47 +10:00
categories = self.backend.accounts[client.userId].roomCategories
2019-05-03 04:20:21 +10:00
2019-05-07 04:06:28 +10:00
previous_invite = categories["Invites"].rooms.pop(room_id, None)
previous_left = categories["Left"].rooms.pop(room_id, None)
2019-05-03 04:20:21 +10:00
2019-05-07 03:07:00 +10:00
where_main_key_is = room_id,
update_with = Room(
roomId = room_id,
displayName = self._get_room_displayname(nio_room),
topic = nio_room.topic,
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
members = list(nio_room.users.keys()),
2019-05-07 03:07:00 +10:00
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
ignore_roles = ("typingMembers", "lastEventDateTime"),
2019-05-07 03:07:00 +10:00
2019-04-22 05:20:20 +10:00
2019-05-07 04:06:28 +10:00
signal = self.roomCategoryChanged
if previous_invite:
signal.emit(client.userId, room_id, "Invites", "Rooms")
elif previous_left:
signal.emit(client.userId, room_id, "Left", "Rooms")
2019-04-22 05:20:20 +10:00
def onRoomLeft(self,
client: Client,
room_id: str,
left_event: LeftEvent = None) -> None:
2019-05-03 04:31:47 +10:00
categories = self.backend.accounts[client.userId].roomCategories
2019-04-22 05:20:20 +10:00
2019-05-07 04:06:28 +10:00
previous_room = categories["Rooms"].rooms.pop(room_id, None)
previous_invite = categories["Invites"].rooms.pop(room_id, None)
previous = previous_room or previous_invite or \
categories["Left"].rooms.get(room_id, None)
2019-04-22 10:55:24 +10:00
2019-05-07 03:07:00 +10:00
left_time = left_event.get("server_timestamp") if left_event else None
where_main_key_is = room_id,
update_with = Room(
roomId = room_id,
displayName = previous.displayName if previous else None,
topic = previous.topic if previous else None,
leftEvent = left_event,
lastEventDateTime = (
if left_time else QDateTime.currentDateTime()
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
ignore_roles = ("members", "lastEventDateTime"),
2019-05-07 03:07:00 +10:00
2019-04-15 02:56:30 +10:00
2019-05-07 04:06:28 +10:00
signal = self.roomCategoryChanged
if previous_room:
signal.emit(client.userId, room_id, "Rooms", "Left")
elif previous_invite:
signal.emit(client.userId, room_id, "Invites", "Left")
2019-04-22 10:55:24 +10:00
def onRoomSyncPrevBatchTokenReceived(self,
_: Client,
room_id: str,
token: str) -> None:
2019-04-18 11:08:32 +10:00
if room_id not in self.backend.past_tokens:
self.backend.past_tokens[room_id] = token
2019-04-22 10:55:24 +10:00
def onRoomPastPrevBatchTokenReceived(self,
_: Client,
room_id: str,
token: str) -> None:
2019-04-18 11:08:32 +10:00
2019-04-18 12:34:22 +10:00
if self.backend.past_tokens[room_id] == token:
2019-04-18 11:08:32 +10:00
self.backend.past_tokens[room_id] = token
2019-05-07 03:07:00 +10:00
def _set_room_last_event(self, user_id: str, room_id: str, event: RoomEvent
) -> None:
for categ in self.backend.accounts[user_id].roomCategories:
if room_id in categ.rooms:
# Use setProperty to make sure to trigger model changed signals
room_id, "lastEventDateTime", event.dateTime
2019-05-03 06:10:41 +10:00
2019-04-22 10:55:24 +10:00
def onRoomEventReceived(self,
2019-05-03 06:10:41 +10:00
client: Client,
2019-04-22 10:55:24 +10:00
room_id: str,
etype: str,
edict: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
2019-05-03 06:10:41 +10:00
def process() -> Optional[RoomEvent]:
2019-04-19 03:46:39 +10:00
# Prevent duplicate events in models due to multiple accounts
2019-04-15 04:49:26 +10:00
if edict["event_id"] in self.last_room_events:
2019-05-03 06:10:41 +10:00
return None
2019-04-15 04:49:26 +10:00
2019-05-03 04:31:47 +10:00
model = self.backend.roomEvents[room_id]
2019-04-19 03:46:39 +10:00
date_time = QDateTime\
2019-04-21 07:36:21 +10:00
new_event = RoomEvent(type=etype, dateTime=date_time, dict=edict)
2019-04-19 03:46:39 +10:00
2019-05-03 04:20:21 +10:00
event_is_our_profile_changed = (
etype == "RoomMemberEvent" and
2019-05-03 04:54:37 +10:00
edict.get("sender") in self.backend.clients and
2019-05-03 04:20:21 +10:00
((edict.get("content") or {}).get("membership") ==
(edict.get("prev_content") or {}).get("membership"))
if event_is_our_profile_changed:
2019-05-03 06:10:41 +10:00
return None
2019-05-03 04:20:21 +10:00
2019-04-27 06:52:26 +10:00
if etype == "RoomCreateEvent":
2019-04-19 03:46:39 +10:00
if self._events_in_transfer:
local_echoes_met: int = 0
2019-05-07 03:07:00 +10:00
update_at: Optional[int] = None
2019-04-19 03:46:39 +10:00
# Find if any locally echoed event corresponds to new_event
for i, event in enumerate(model):
2019-04-21 07:36:21 +10:00
if not event.isLocalEcho:
2019-04-19 03:46:39 +10:00
sb = (event.dict["sender"], event.dict["body"])
new_sb = (new_event.dict["sender"], new_event.dict["body"])
if sb == new_sb:
# The oldest matching local echo shall be replaced
2019-04-21 07:36:21 +10:00
update_at = max(update_at or 0, i)
2019-04-19 03:46:39 +10:00
local_echoes_met += 1
if local_echoes_met >= self._events_in_transfer:
2019-04-15 02:56:30 +10:00
2019-04-21 07:36:21 +10:00
if update_at is not None:
model.update(update_at, new_event)
2019-04-19 03:46:39 +10:00
self._events_in_transfer -= 1
2019-05-03 06:10:41 +10:00
return new_event
2019-04-19 03:46:39 +10:00
for i, event in enumerate(model):
2019-04-21 07:36:21 +10:00
if event.isLocalEcho:
2019-04-19 03:46:39 +10:00
# Model is sorted from newest to oldest message
2019-04-21 07:36:21 +10:00
if new_event.dateTime > event.dateTime:
2019-04-19 03:46:39 +10:00
model.insert(i, new_event)
2019-05-03 06:10:41 +10:00
return new_event
2019-04-18 06:43:18 +10:00
2019-04-15 02:56:30 +10:00
2019-05-03 06:10:41 +10:00
return new_event
2019-04-15 06:12:07 +10:00
2019-04-22 10:55:24 +10:00
with self._lock:
2019-05-03 06:10:41 +10:00
new_event = process()
if new_event:
2019-05-07 03:07:00 +10:00
self._set_room_last_event(client.userId, room_id, new_event)
2019-04-22 10:55:24 +10:00
2019-04-15 06:12:07 +10:00
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
def onRoomTypingMembersUpdated(self,
client: Client,
room_id: str,
users: List[str]) -> None:
2019-05-03 04:31:47 +10:00
categories = self.backend.accounts[client.userId].roomCategories
2019-05-03 04:20:21 +10:00
for categ in categories:
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
categ.rooms.setProperty(room_id, "typingMembers", users)
2019-05-03 04:20:21 +10:00
except ValueError:
2019-04-19 03:46:39 +10:00
2019-04-22 10:55:24 +10:00
def onMessageAboutToBeSent(self,
client: Client,
room_id: str,
content: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
with self._lock:
2019-05-03 04:31:47 +10:00
model = self.backend.roomEvents[room_id]
2019-04-19 03:46:39 +10:00
nio_event = nio.events.RoomMessage.parse_event({
"event_id": "",
2019-04-21 07:36:21 +10:00
"sender": client.userId,
2019-04-30 13:51:37 +10:00
"origin_server_ts": QDateTime.currentMSecsSinceEpoch(),
2019-04-19 03:46:39 +10:00
"content": content,
event = RoomEvent(
2019-04-21 07:36:21 +10:00
type = type(nio_event).__name__,
dict = nio_event.__dict__,
isLocalEcho = True,
2019-04-19 03:46:39 +10:00
model.insert(0, event)
self._events_in_transfer += 1
2019-04-22 10:55:24 +10:00
2019-05-07 03:07:00 +10:00
self._set_room_last_event(client.userId, room_id, event)
2019-04-27 06:02:20 +10:00
def onRoomAboutToBeForgotten(self, client: Client, room_id: str) -> None:
2019-05-03 04:31:47 +10:00
categories = self.backend.accounts[client.userId].roomCategories
2019-05-03 04:20:21 +10:00
for categ in categories:
categ.rooms.pop(room_id, None)
2019-05-03 04:31:47 +10:00
2019-05-10 05:54:31 +10:00
def onDeviceIsPresent(self,
client: Client,
user_id: str,
device_id: str,
ed25519_key: str) -> None:
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
2019-05-10 05:54:31 +10:00
nio_device = client.nio.device_store[user_id][device_id]
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
user = self.backend.users.get(user_id, None)
if not user:
User(userId=user_id, devices=ListModel())
2019-05-10 05:54:31 +10:00
where_main_key_is = device_id,
update_with = Device(
deviceId = device_id,
ed25519Key = ed25519_key,
trust = client.getDeviceTrust(nio_device),
def onDeviceIsDeleted(self, _: Client, user_id: str, device_id: str
) -> None:
2019-05-12 05:52:56 +10:00
del self.backend.users[user_id].devices[device_id]
except ValueError: