2019-11-12 23:38:43 +11:00
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import nio
class MatrixError(Exception):
http_code: int = 400
m_code: str = "M_UNKNOWN"
def from_nio(cls, response: nio.ErrorResponse) -> "MatrixError":
# Check for the M_CODE first: some errors for an API share the same
# http code, but have different M_CODEs (e.g. POST /login 403).
for subcls in cls.__subclasses__():
if subcls.m_code == response.status_code:
return subcls()
for subcls in cls.__subclasses__():
if subcls.http_code == response.transport_response.status:
return subcls()
return cls(response.transport_response.status, response.status_code)
class MatrixForbidden(MatrixError):
http_code: int = 403
m_code: str = "M_FORBIDDEN"
class MatrixUserDeactivated(MatrixError):
http_code: int = 403
m_code: str = "M_USER_DEACTIVATED"
class MatrixNotFound(MatrixError):
http_code: int = 404
m_code: str = "M_NOT_FOUND"
class MatrixTooLarge(MatrixError):
http_code: int = 413
m_code: str = "M_TOO_LARGE"
class UserNotFound(Exception):
user_id: str = field()
class InvalidUserInContext(Exception):
user_id: str = field()
class UneededThumbnail(Exception):
2019-11-13 00:48:11 +11:00
class BadMimeType(Exception):
wanted: str = field()
got: str = field()