2020-05-30 06:22:53 +10:00
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
2020-07-16 05:10:34 +10:00
import Clipboard 0.1
2020-05-30 06:22:53 +10:00
TextArea {
id: textArea
property string saveName: ""
property var saveId: "ALL"
property var saveProperties: ["text"]
2020-06-07 11:54:13 +10:00
property bool error: false
property alias radius: textAreaBackground.radius
property bool bordered: true
2020-05-30 06:22:53 +10:00
property var focusItemOnTab: null
2020-07-21 02:40:38 +10:00
property bool menuKeySpawnsMenu: true
2020-05-30 06:22:53 +10:00
property var disabledText: null
2020-07-02 02:10:40 +10:00
property var defaultText: null // XXX test me
readonly property bool changed: text !== (defaultText || "")
2020-08-22 15:47:53 +10:00
readonly property string displayText: text + preeditText
2020-05-30 06:22:53 +10:00
property alias backgroundColor: textAreaBackground.color
2020-06-07 11:54:13 +10:00
property color borderColor: theme.controls.textArea.border
property color errorBorder: theme.controls.textArea.errorBorder
property color focusedBorderColor: theme.controls.textArea.focusedBorder
2020-05-30 06:22:53 +10:00
2020-06-25 23:46:26 +10:00
property string previousDefaultText: "" // private
2020-07-16 05:10:34 +10:00
property bool enableCustomImagePaste: false
signal customImagePaste()
2020-08-21 18:44:55 +10:00
function reset() {
text = Qt.binding(() => defaultText || "")
2020-09-04 08:30:36 +10:00
function loadState() {
if (! text) insertAtCursor(window.getState(this, "text", ""))
2020-08-21 18:44:55 +10:00
function insertAtCursor(text) {
insert(cursorPosition, text)
function getWordAt(position) {
2020-08-22 15:47:53 +10:00
return utils.getWordAtPosition(displayText, position)
2020-08-21 18:44:55 +10:00
function getWordBehindCursor() {
return cursorPosition === 0 ? null : getWordAt(cursorPosition - 1)
2020-05-30 06:22:53 +10:00
2020-07-02 02:10:40 +10:00
text: defaultText || ""
2020-05-30 06:22:53 +10:00
opacity: enabled ? 1 : theme.disabledElementsOpacity
selectByMouse: true
leftPadding: theme.spacing
rightPadding: leftPadding
topPadding: theme.spacing / 1.5
bottomPadding: topPadding
readOnly: ! visible
wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap
font.family: theme.fontFamily.sans
font.pixelSize: theme.fontSize.normal
font.pointSize: -1
placeholderTextColor: theme.controls.textArea.placeholderText
color: theme.controls.textArea.text
background: Rectangle {
id: textAreaBackground
radius: theme.radius
2020-06-07 11:54:13 +10:00
color: theme.controls.textArea.background
2020-07-17 19:29:25 +10:00
opacity: textArea.opacity
2020-06-07 11:54:13 +10:00
border.width: bordered ? theme.controls.textArea.borderWidth : 0
border.color: borderColor
2020-06-23 22:44:58 +10:00
HBottomFocusLine {
show: textArea.activeFocus
2020-06-07 11:54:13 +10:00
borderHeight: theme.controls.textArea.borderWidth
color: error ? errorBorder : focusedBorderColor
2020-05-30 06:22:53 +10:00
2020-06-25 23:46:26 +10:00
Component.onCompleted: {
// Break binding
previousDefaultText = previousDefaultText
2020-09-04 08:30:36 +10:00
2020-06-25 23:46:26 +10:00
2020-06-03 17:41:30 +10:00
2020-05-30 06:22:53 +10:00
onTextChanged: window.saveState(this)
2020-07-02 02:10:40 +10:00
if (defaultText !== null) text = text // Break binding
2020-06-25 23:46:26 +10:00
2020-07-02 02:10:40 +10:00
onDefaultTextChanged: if (defaultText !== null) {
2020-06-25 23:46:26 +10:00
if (text === previousDefaultText)
text = Qt.binding(() => defaultText)
previousDefaultText = defaultText
2020-08-24 05:41:20 +10:00
onPressed: ev => { if (ev.button === Qt.RightButton) contextMenu.spawn() }
onPressAndHold: ev => contextMenu.spawn()
2020-07-16 05:10:34 +10:00
Keys.onPressed: ev => {
// Prevent alt/super+any key from typing text
if (
ev.modifiers & Qt.AltModifier ||
ev.modifiers & Qt.MetaModifier
) ev.accepted = true
if (
ev.matches(StandardKey.Paste) &&
textArea.enableCustomImagePaste &&
) {
ev.accepted = true
2020-05-30 06:22:53 +10:00
2020-07-21 02:40:38 +10:00
Keys.onMenuPressed: if (menuKeySpawnsMenu) contextMenu.spawn(false)
2020-07-10 14:02:43 +10:00
2020-06-23 20:17:52 +10:00
// Prevent leaking arrow presses to parent elements when the carret is at
// the beginning or end of the text
2020-07-12 06:10:21 +10:00
event.accepted = readOnly || (cursorPosition === 0 && ! selectedText)
2020-07-08 00:03:35 +10:00
2020-07-12 06:10:21 +10:00
event.accepted =
readOnly || (cursorPosition === length && ! selectedText)
2020-06-23 20:17:52 +10:00
2020-05-30 06:22:53 +10:00
KeyNavigation.priority: KeyNavigation.BeforeItem
KeyNavigation.tab: focusItemOnTab
Binding on color {
value: "transparent"
when: disabledText !== null && ! textArea.enabled
Binding on placeholderTextColor {
value: "transparent"
when: disabledText !== null && ! textArea.enabled
Binding on implicitHeight {
value: disabledTextLabel.implicitHeight
when: disabledText !== null && ! textArea.enabled
Behavior on opacity { HNumberAnimation {} }
Behavior on color { HColorAnimation {} }
Behavior on placeholderTextColor { HColorAnimation {} }
HLabel {
id: disabledTextLabel
anchors.fill: parent
visible: opacity > 0
opacity: disabledText !== null && parent.enabled ? 0 : 1
text: disabledText || ""
leftPadding: parent.leftPadding
rightPadding: parent.rightPadding
topPadding: parent.topPadding
bottomPadding: parent.bottomPadding
2020-07-17 15:45:02 +10:00
parent.wrapMode === TextEdit.Wrap ? HLabel.Wrap :
parent.wrapMode === TextEdit.WordWrap ? HLabel.WordWrap :
parent.wrapMode === TextEdit.WrapAnywhere ? HLabel.WrapAnywhere :
2020-05-30 06:22:53 +10:00
font.family: parent.font.family
font.pixelSize: parent.font.pixelSize
Behavior on opacity { HNumberAnimation {} }
2020-07-10 14:02:43 +10:00
2020-07-16 05:10:34 +10:00
HTextContextMenu {
id: contextMenu
enableCustomImagePaste: textArea.enableCustomImagePaste
2020-09-03 03:41:31 +10:00
onCustomImagePaste: textArea.customImagePaste()
2020-07-16 05:10:34 +10:00
2020-05-30 06:22:53 +10:00