import requests as r import conf import bs4 apiver=0.01 urls={} urls['base']='' urls['refresh']='login.php' urls['login']='change/check.php' urls['loginconf']='change/conf.php' urls['recremove']='give/del_chk.php' urls['charstatus']='room/status.php' urls['saralink']='friend/rand_get.php' # This doesn't work yet. urls['item']='item/' urls['iralink']='contact/irara_contact_conf.php' def get(url=None): if url is not None: return r.get(f'{urls["base"]}/{urls[url]}',params={'P':conf.p}, headers={'User-Agent':uagent()}) return r.get(urls['base'],headers={'User-Agent':uagent()}) def post(url,stuff): return'{urls["base"]}/{urls[url]}?P={conf.p}', data=stuff, headers={'User-Agent':uagent()}) def uagent(uid=None): if uid is None: uid=conf.uid country='AU' # Let players spoof this, ofc. ver=30 # Move this to config file for player to bump up at their leisure. browse=f'MCCDV/{apiver}' #browse="Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.0.0; SHIFT6m Build/O00623; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/70.0.3538.110 Mobile Safari/537.36" TODO: Use this or similar for masking client return f'{browse}/{country}/AMBITION_UA/GooglePlay/Android-/MOE_ver{ver}:{uid}' def top(): pag=get() stoof=pag.content.decode('utf-8') start=stoof.index('?&P=')+4 # That needs a rewrite end=stoof[start:].index('#')+start conf.p=stoof[start:end] return conf.p # This function only really needs to return a P value (which it should actually just store in conf instead), and current login state. I suppose returning newsposts is good too, since they're there. def login(un,pw): pag=post('login',{'id':un,'pass':pw}) # We don't actually care about the result of this. We know exactly what comes next. Though this would be useful for error handling, I suppose. pag2=post('loginconf',{'id':un,'pass':pw}) # We also don't care about this; if we got this far, it's guaranteed to succeed. Probably should still parse it and check, JUST IN CASE. return True def myroom(): a='' while 'alt="マイロイド"' not in a: a=get('refresh').content.decode('utf-8') b=bs4.BeautifulSoup(a) myroidname=b.find(attrs={'class':'new_name1'}).find('div').contents[0] myroidpic=b.find('img',attrs={'alt':'マイロイド'}).attrs['src']