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2021-11-17 22:44:26 +11:00
import requests as r
import sys
import os
import json as j
os.chdir('/home/wisknort/lyricise') # Do this first so that the following work.
with open('config.json') as b: conf=j.load(b)
import importlib as il
sources=[il.import_module(f'sources.{n[:-3]}') for n in os.listdir('sources') if n.endswith('.py')]
sources=list(filter(lambda x:x.enabled,sources))
class FlashyNotMountedError(Exception):
def init(args):
band=' '.join([n.capitalize() for n in args[:split]])
song=' '.join([n.capitalize() for n in args[split+1:]])
return band,song
def local(band,song):
#All lyrics that are fetched from remote will automatically get saved in here for later reference
#Also, any time the existence of a song on a remote is proven (eg. the remote offers an album list for a band, which in turn offers a track list, and this needs to be parsed to get the correct URL), that will be indexed locally for future reference, in ./.indices
#Deleting that folder will reset that, and should always be safe.
#Indices will be one file per source, so deleting individual files will be part of uninstalling a source.
prep=lambda x:x.lower().replace(' ','_')
with open(f'{prep(song)}_{prep(band)}.lyric') as b:
except FileNotFoundError: lyrics=''
return lyrics
except FileNotFoundError:
raise FlashyNotMountedError
def remote(band,song):
#Runs through sources and tries to locate the song and fetch lyrics.
#Will search all local indices first, and offer which repository to fetch from if multiple found
#But will *not* poll all remote repositories; if not found in local indices, will begin polling sources in whatever order the underlying (他框)walk decides, and will stop as soon as an exact match is found.
#If a partial match is found, will offer to user whether it's close enough.
if not sources:
print('No sources configured! Failed to fetch lyrics from remote!')
for source in sources:
try: lyrics=source.lyrics(song,band)
except Exception: raise # This should actually catch errors later
if lyrics: break
return lyrics
if __name__=='__main__':
try: lyrics=local(band,song)
except FlashyNotMountedError:
if input("Flashy not mounted, proceed? (y/n)")!='y': exit()
if not lyrics:
print("Lyrics not found locally, searching for remote...")
lyrics=remote(band,song) or ''
if lyrics: print(lyrics)