refactor done, AND fixed connecting to the first instance regardless of which was requested - still needs further improvement though. Onward to registration!

This commit is contained in:
Zergling_man 2023-01-17 01:07:15 +11:00
parent fc0e110a2c
commit e1abd7f2f2

View File

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
accs=$(cat ~/.config/clemmy/accounts.csv)
for line in ${accs[*]}; do
IFS=, read insts[$i] tokes[$i] <<< $line
# Please don't abuse jq like this
showpost='(.post | (.id | tostring)+" "+(.name | tostring)),
(.post.url)+", "+(.creator.display_name //":",
((.comment // .post) | .published,
(.body // .content)),
postsummary='(.post | (.id | tostring)+" "+(.name | tostring)),
(.post.url)+", "+(.creator.display_name //":",
((.comment // .post) | .published),
showcomment='(.comment | (.parent_id | tostring)+"->"+(.id | tostring))+", "+(.creator.display_name //":",
((.comment // .post) | .published,
(.body // .content)),
#Split this out because I specifically do want to include post IDs in some places. Or rather, I only don't want to include them on the comments view.
notif='(.comment | (.parent_id | tostring)+"->"+(.id | tostring))+" ("+(.post | (.id | tostring))+"), "+(.creator.display_name //":",
((.comment // .post) | .published,
(.body // .content)),
comments=".[] | $showcomment"
posts=".[] | $showpost"
notifs=".[] | $notif"
get(){ curl -s "$baseurl$1?${*:3}" | jq "$2"; }
getauth(){ get "$1" "$2" "auth=$TOKE&${*:3}"; }
post(){ curl -s "$baseurl$1" --json "$(echo ${*:2} | jq .+{\"auth\":\"$TOKE\"})"; }
# I'm just gonna clone this thing rather than try to palm the -X PUT into post. I can fix it later.
put(){ curl -sX PUT "$baseurl$1" --json "$(echo ${*:2} | jq .+{\"auth\":\"$TOKE\"})"; }
getbody(){ a=$(cat); while read n; do b="$b\n$n"; done <<< "$a"; c=${b//\"/\\\"}; body="${c:2}"; }
actions="notifs notifs2 comments freepost shitpost follow unfollow home deref whoami login"
notifs(){ getauth "user/replies" ".replies | reverse | $notifs"; }
notifs2(){ getauth "user/mention" ".mentions | reverse | $notifs"; }
following(){ echo "use <home> instead"; } # Maybe this will help.
home(){ getauth "post/list" ".posts | $posts" "type_=Subscribed"; }
comments(){ getauth "post" "(.post_view | $showpost), (.comments | reverse | $comments)" "id=$1"; }
freepost(){ getbody; post "post" "{\"community_id\":$1,\"name\":\"${*:2}\",\"body\":\"$body\"}"; }
shitpost(){ getbody; postid=$1; parentid=$2; post "comment" "{\"post_id\":$postid,\"parent_id\":$parentid,\"content\":\"$body\"}"; }
#Post hoardan
save(){ put "post/save" "{\"post_id\":$1,\"save\":true}"; }
unsave(){ put "post/save" "{\"post_id\":$1,\"save\":false}"; }
load(){ getauth "post/list" ".posts | .[] | $postsummary" "type_=All&saved_only=true"; }
#Community hoardan
follow(){ post "community/follow" "{\"community_id\":$1,\"follow\":true}"; }
unfollow(){ post "community/follow" "{\"community_id\":$1,\"follow\":false}"; }
#Account hoardan
whoami(){ echo $INSTANCE $TOKE; }
login(){ post "user/login" "{\"username_or_email\":\"$1\",\"password\":\"$2\"}"; }
deref(){ getauth "resolve_object" "" "q=$*"; }
while getopts "a:hv" o;do case "${o}" in
a) INSTANCE=${insts[$OPTARG]}; TOKE=${tokes[$OPTARG]};;
h) echo $actions; exit;;
v) echo 0.1.0; exit;;
esac done
shift $((OPTIND-1))