can create communities at least now, and delete them, but that's not tested. Pagination next, then I'll do options stuff so you can actually add descriptions and images.

This commit is contained in:
Zergling_man 2023-09-20 04:26:15 +10:00
parent 840ec2723b
commit 07950c0be7
2 changed files with 11 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -21,3 +21,6 @@ pending()
addadmin(){ echo "stub"; }
remadmin(){ echo "stub"; }

View File

@ -2,3 +2,9 @@
follow(){ post "community/follow" '{"community_id":'$1',"follow":true}'; }
unfollow(){ post "community/follow" '{"community_id":'$1',"follow":false}'; }
following(){ echo "use <home> instead"; } # Maybe this will help.
comcreate(){ namedget desc "The community's display name (can be edited later)"; post "community" '{"name":"'$1'","title":"'"$desc"'"}'; }
comedit(){ echo "stub"; }
comdelete(){ namedget confirm "are you sure? (y/n)"; if [ confirm == "y" ]; then post "community/delete" '{"community_id":"'$1'","deleted":true}'; fi; }
addmod(){ echo "stub"; }
remmod(){ echo "stub"; }